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Everything posted by Mackledoge

  1. Alright, thank you for clarifying. And that's a good idea actually, makes sense and it is more fair for everyone. Appreciate the answer and the advice!
  2. MackleDoge here, new player. So, I'm sure we're all aware of the limited server size and the queue times for playing, I get that and I can commiserate with the amount of work the team is putting in to give us all new content to enjoy and work towards giving us more room on the serves or more servers. In the meantime though I was curious about ways to improve the issue personally. My general idea was to make a macro that just continues to move my character in order to not be set to AFK and be logged out. Is this allowed or this that practice against the rules and will get my account banned? It wouldn't be long periods of time, it'd be maybe 30 minutes to an hour for running some errands, cooking, or something similar. I'd still be logging off over night or when I go to work.
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