I just wanted to let you guys know, unless I'm losing my mind, the 25% EXP Boost item in the gift shop is not lasting 72 hours as claimed.
I got one a couple hours or so after launch on August 15th; on the 17th I noticed it had expired. I just went ahead and got another, on the 17th at 7:30pm. It should not expire until August 20th at 7:30 pm, right? This morning I saw it had expired, it was 9:47am when I noticed it. I'm not sure how long it had been expired, but not very long.
That would seem to be around 60 hours, though. I'm not sure how I should go (or should have gone) about proving it, but I'm not after compensation anyway- just letting you know that it seems to be off for whatever reason.
If you want, I could try it again and get evidence, if that will help? I'd like to get another but I kinda want to wait until this is addressed. Let me know :3