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Everything posted by Sybilvain

  1. Exactly what the title says. It would be awesome if we could pick which pokemon in our party follows us, instead of it automatically being the first one in the party. Maybe I got a favourite shiny I want to follow me but I don't need to lead with it. Maybe I'm training an ugly pokemon I don't want to look at. It just sucks that you can't choose. Actually you should also have the option to have none follow you at all. What do you do in pvp battles? Each player can see what the other is going to start with.. u_u Anyway sorry if it's already been suggested, I looked around but I didn't see anything.
  2. Wait, you're not actually holding a contest, you just want people to talk about it? I'm confused. I was just saying you aren't likely to get many participants without better prizes to motivate people to join, but if you're not really having a contest it doesn't matter... Well, I dunno what's going on, but I'm still willing to donate to help spark interest if (it's a contest), let me know if you change your mind, I guess.
  3. Don't take this the wrong way, but...I think you might garner more interest if you offer better prizes. Something tells me forum readers aren't the type to get excited about a random Eevee- that's something mainly noobs and kids want >>; I like the contest idea though, I'd love to see the designs people would come up with. I'd be willing to donate prizes to help generate interest, if you'd like :D
  4. Okay, that seems pretty ridiculous. How can I remember where I got which pokes? If it's a gen2 or later it's obvious, but what if I travel way across the map to trade with someone thinking the gen 1 poke I got came from Kanto- but oops, it didn't? Can someone explain to me why this is necessary? Maybe there's a good reason, I just can't think of any. If it really must be this way, then stamping the region each poke is obtained from in the summary would be helpful.
  5. I just tried to trade a Gengar to someone who hasn't started Johto yet. It didn't work, it said they cannot accept pokes "from another region." I know you can't trade Johto pokes, and that's fine, but Gengar is a gen 1, KANTO pokemon. I got it in Johto, but why should that matter? Is this something that just hasn't been worked out yet or are you really not supposed to be able to trade any gen 1 pokes to people who haven't started Johto, if you found them in Johto?
  6. That would be so cool! I've thought about this too actually. I hope they'll consider it :D
  7. Heads up, there is an issue with the 25% EXP Boost item not lasting 72 hours as it claims (see here). They say its being looked into- you may want to wait until it's fixed. Just so you know
  8. Time zones are irrelevant. 72 hours = 72 hours. It should not expire until 72 hours from the time one gets it, regardless of where they are in the world or what time it is for others.
  9. Shiny Nidoran M! I love it. That was on route 3 I think, then when I was in Victory Road I caught a shiny Zubat x3
  10. I just wanted to let you guys know, unless I'm losing my mind, the 25% EXP Boost item in the gift shop is not lasting 72 hours as claimed. I got one a couple hours or so after launch on August 15th; on the 17th I noticed it had expired. I just went ahead and got another, on the 17th at 7:30pm. It should not expire until August 20th at 7:30 pm, right? This morning I saw it had expired, it was 9:47am when I noticed it. I'm not sure how long it had been expired, but not very long. That would seem to be around 60 hours, though. I'm not sure how I should go (or should have gone) about proving it, but I'm not after compensation anyway- just letting you know that it seems to be off for whatever reason. If you want, I could try it again and get evidence, if that will help? I'd like to get another but I kinda want to wait until this is addressed. Let me know :3
  11. opinions on MS pokes? I looked for Shroomish for like 2 hours, found a Nincada but no Shroomish, finally gave up. I think I'll try to buy one. I haven't been watching trade enough- is there a range? or what would you personally pay/want to get for one?
  12. I just started Johto and realized I left my leftovers on a poke in the PC. >_< Then I caught a Seedot with IVs 27/31/30/29/15/6 (hp/atk/def/satk/sdef/speed). Neutral nature but I thought I'd use it for the story, I've never used one before. It only knows Harden and Bide, and neither seem to work properly yet. I used 5 rare candies on it to get it to level ten... and then my friend told me you can sell them in Johto for 25k each. Is that true?? Dang. XD Seedot learned Growth... which doesn't help AT ALL XD the only way I can level this guy up is to keep switching, I'll have to kill like a thousand pokes LOL I don't think my start in Johto could have gone any worse ; _ ; So yeah if you haven't started Johto don't forget your leftovers guys- and don't bother with Seedot yet. Don't make my mistakes x3
  13. Love it! I'm trying to think of some more possible professions but I can't think of any atm xD but don't other MMOs usually have something like this? I've only played this and "uguuMMO" but it seems pretty typical from what I gather anyway I love the idea :D
  14. Arnie posted while I was writing my post and I didn't see it until after.. and you can't edit your posts apparently u_u what he said is a good idea I think but you can't "like" posts either. *sigh*
  15. PRO may be "so far from p2w compared to other games" but that doesn't mean making fly only available for those with an MS does not make it p2w still. I'm just thinking, those with the MS able to fly around and make trades within seconds, vs all those without MS having to spend a lot of time (not to mention $$ if they have to hop a train or something) to do their trading...that would give the former too great an advantage. all the money and time (time = money) they save, they'll be able to afford the best comps, therefore have an advantage in tourneys and everything.. I gotta agree with Quakkz, I feel like fly being MS only is p2w- and I'm able to get the MS and will probably get it. I don't think it'd be fair to those who can't. :(
  16. Hello, I'm Sybil, another [iT'S FILTERED OMG XD] survivor. After playing through the story here (yes I'm aware it will be wiped soon, thanks) I have to say I feel like I've been deprived. I'm impressed that the devs here have completed more than the "aforementioned" MMO in less than half the time, while still taking care to ensure that what is implemented fits within the framework of an MMO. Awesome :) I can't say how excited I am for the launch! And I'll be on vacation for most of this month so I should have time to play (assuming it comes in time? ;o; ). I played Pokemon Blue as a kid and was instantly obsessed. I played up to Crystal and then lost interest (a friend of mine had Ruby and showed it to me; I saw a Nosepass and thought it was the stupidest thing I'd ever seen, and decided I was done with Pokemon. XD) A few years ago I found [other pokemon MMO hue] and I was so enthralled with the idea of playing live with other people, I was hooked again (oh, the nostalgia!). But this one is a million times better. That's all I'm gonna say. I could list all the things I (already) love about PRO but it would take all day- besides I've rambled long enough (sorry, I didn't intend to give you my life story XD). But one thing I'm really excited about is that the shiny rates are the same as the handhelds. Collecting shinies is one of my favourite things to do in pokemon (although I'm familiar with IVs/EVs/Natures etc and would like to get into comp as well). Anyway I feel like I have a better chance at getting some of my fave shinies than at the other place. :3 Well, that's my story, I look forward to playing this game when it officially starts and hopefully making some new friends as well. n_n P.S. if anyone finds a shiny smeargle and doesn't want it, HMU! it's my favourite shiny. And I plan on hunting for good competitive pokes and whatnot so maybe I'll have good stuff for trade, who knows. o3o
  17. True. But also has anyone considered trolling in the context of not being able to fly? (I'm gonna borrow your words emperior for another example) "WTS Charizard" "Hey mate I want to buy, where are you?" "I'm at Celadon" "Oh I'm at New Bark Town, can you come to me?" "Sure" *5 minutes later* Where the heck are they? Nowhere, because the seller got trolled. That would be really, really super annoying and once someone has trolled you and you've wasted all that time traveling from point A to possibly farthest point away B, are you gonna trust anyone for a trade ever again? I dunno, just something I thought of that I think its worth considering.
  18. Ah, so you really do have to do that. I wasn't sure because it just seemed like.. such an out of the way task? it's not so bad though if you grab a level 8 caterpie like you said. :p well I'm glad I learned this, I'll be prepared for it after the wipe x3 thanks!!
  19. I talked to Micheal in the house near the Goldenrod dept. store but the dialogue was so awfully tedious I didn't read half of it (sorry, I hate to complain but sheesh is everyone painfully verbose). he said something about contaminating a drink with sleep powder and I got a key. after being confused for a good 5 minutes I figured out I needed to go to the bottom floor of the dept. store. I found the guard and tried to give him a drink. I got distracted by the (once again) tedious dialogue, then realized I'm supposed to contaminate the drink so I can get through. (I guess?) my question is, how am I supposed to go about this? none of my pokemon know that move, am I supposed to hunt down a caterpie or metapod and level it until it learns the move or is there some other way? if Michael explained it, then I missed it. I'm loving this game so far but seriously, so much of the dialogue is "tl;dr" I've also noticed a number of mistakes in it, maybe I could help with that, if you'd like? for example in the guard's dialogue I noticed "taks" where it should be "task," and somewhere in there your character says something backwards...I noticed plenty more up to this point. anyway I happen to thoroughly enjoy English and editing and would be happy to help, just let me know. and thanks for your time. :)
  20. Sybilvain

    Please lock.

    Re: Team Wall Street <t>I was about to fill out the application but I saw I'm already in the roster LOL. I feel special <3<br/> <br/> I love your organized, no-nonsense approach. I am so pumped for this game (and the team). And just in time, I'm on vacation all of August- probably gonna be nolifing on this game the whole month lmao</t>
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