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Everything posted by Nathael1227

  1. Hi everyone! We all Know than PRO is an mmo, and also a farming game. No farm, no epics/gods pokemons, no trades and so... no economy. To get able to farm in goods ways, we all use some tricks : false swiper, ultra ball, ms, black ms, and, repel trick. But, i've seen some issues on repel trick: - it's really expensive, not all players can afford it - Usefull but you have to focus on " repel off" in chat - Issue with the same message : It is late, and many times, we have to run a pokemon ( or a trash shiny :') ) I suggest an implemment : a repel ball, or something like this. It's simple: you buy your item from a PNJ, and this item will effect as repel if hold by a pokemon. It will continue for 7 days, and then, you have to buy it again. If you put an item like this, with 7 days efficiently, for 400K maybe, it will: -Make repel trick cheaper, and more players will be able to use it -Erase the issue of watching chat carefully/late message and trash poke to run. I really think than many players will enjoy and use it, so please, think about it. Cya! Ps: Price i gave is only an exemple. I trust Staff to put the better price as can be.
  2. Hi, I'm selling in auction for this sunday this little thing : Bo start at 700K, Insta is 1m9. The auction will end today in 10 hours. ( 5pm french time) Minimum bind: 50K Have fun ! Lead on auction Sold insta to Strategist.
  3. I vote to ban Shadow tag First, it's a pokemon that i find without skill. You just have to place it correctly. and, it's really difficult to have a really good revenge killer for it. It's free win for other's team if you don't have, and i don't want each time ti think about a team with one or 2 pokemons ONLY to counter one. For me Shadow tag is like farming liliput or making sleeping all the other team: Unfair.
  4. Melih4703 offerded 1m4 https://prntscr.com/eods6o
  5. Bo ends this evening at 20h00 :) Syc89 lead
  6. Hey! Bo 48 hours, start at 1m3. ( Insta 3m5) We refuse pokemon, but accept ms. Enjoy!
  7. Re: [FR] ✧・゚*・゚ Guilde Disaster ・゚*・゚✧ ⎪・Ralliez-vous au Chaos・⎪Recrute de nouveau ! <t>Bonjour :)<br/> <br/> Nom: Arendella:<br/> Nombre d'heures en jeu: en gros, 1 min là x)<br/> <br/> Je me présente et je m'explique :) Je reprends le jeu après plusieurs mois d'absences, et pour avoir un vrai challenge et surtout pour le fun, je crée un nouveau compte pour reprendre de 0 quasiment ( je récupère seulement quelques pokémons et quelques items sur mon ancien compte). Cependant, jouer en me passant d'une communauté active et d'un vocal, ça ne va pas me plaire :/ Me voici donc!<br/> <br/> Je suis plutôt gentil et actif, et très actif en vocal aussi. Mon objectif est de pvp :) <br/> Irl, je suis un jeune homme de 23 ans, Avs et préparant un concours infirmier en plus de ma passion qui est la littérature. <br/> <br/> Donc voilà, je sais que je ne remplis pas les critères précédemment cités ( pour le moment, demain ça devrait être bon :p ) mais je suis motivé, actif franchement, j'suis un amour <3<br/> <br/> <br/> Allez, des bisous !</t>
  8. Hey! Problem to connect this morning. And at status checker page it's write: The PRO Red Server is online (timeout)! Users Online: 1443/1800 It's been online (timeout) for: 1 hour, 4 minutes, 55 seconds. Last checked: 42 seconds ago. These numbers are up to date as of 2016-04-05 07:49:04 in CET DST What's this? Thanks for answer ^^
  9. Re: 【Splash】Le culte de la trempette ✔ [ FR ] RED SERVER <t>Bonjour :)<br/> <br/> Moi, Nath, 22 ans, et Wanted, 19 ans aimeriont iontégrer votre guilde pour se détendre et bien se marrer avec vous :).<br/> Nous connaissons discord, nous adorons jouer, et nous sommes adoraaaaaaables vous n'imaginez pas à quel point! Nous sommes encore débutants mais enthousiastes.<br/> <br/> A bientôt IG ^^</t>
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