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Everything posted by Cloudx

  1. Also wondering what happened to my progress on Red server in the past.
  2. Can login to Gold but not Silver. Is it not possible to play both server?
  3. I'm a noob :^)
  4. wtb 1 deep sea tooth what's your timezone and what time are you available?
  5. my second favorite guild deidara7 > suhu
  6. is this the og celestial? :^)
  7. la kang mahahanap ni isang ph guild tol. gawa nalang :^) yosi muna ;D
  8. I'm just looking for an active guild. It doesn't matter if it's a pvp or non-pvp guild. Just want to have fun
  9. sold :Exclam:
  10. Re: Akatsuki x Reborn joint guild event <t>179•°</t>
  11. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <r>le god has fallen<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ySMideB.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. im still waiting for totobob to share some salt :^)
  13. who puts salt on their rice :Ambivalent: pilipino/pinoy we do that sometimes ^^^^^^ musta po :^)
  14. who puts salt on their rice :Ambivalent: ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ︵(\ .o.)\
  15. i need salt for my rice and fries :^)
  16. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>Ban me :^)</t>
  17. Re: {="Night Raid"Recruiting Pinoy Only=Blue Server =} <t>red ako eh :l</t>
  18. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>Psh kagawa</t>
  19. Re: {="Night Raid"Recruiting Pinoy Only=Blue Server =} <t>Musta mga pre :^)</t>
  20. Re: {="Night Raid"Recruiting Pinoy Only=Blue Server =} <t>Musta mga pre :^)</t>
  21. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>jk still no Halloween event :/</t>
  22. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>im back</t>
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