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Everything posted by Cloudx

  1. Cloudx


    Re: LUMINOSITY ~ recruiting - red server :) <t>my favorite guild \(^_^)/</t>
  2. ......
  3. The Flintstones
  4. Username: Cloudx Reason why I want the mouse: My mouse is almost 7 years old and I like freebies. That mouse also looks cool, so why not enter the giveaway :>
  5. My Little Pony
  6. ......
  7. Synchronize doesn't work for anything that isn't a spawn. Doesn't work on bosses / trades with NPCs / fossils. Does work with headbutt / dig / excavation sites / grass. does it work on mew?
  8. i'll buy it :v
  9. ma favorite guild \(^_^)/
  10. any modest sync ralts with bad ivs?
  11. WTB Epic modest trace Ralts
  12. hi ma favorite guild :^)
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