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Everything posted by Achangelus

  1. ~ sold, can be closed ~
  2. Bump, insta Price added
  3. BO: 750k by Masterbroccoli Insta Price: 1m2 Auction ends in 4 days
  4. Hello guys, I'd like to sell these Pokemon If Offers aren't high enough, I'll keep the right to keep the Pokemon Starmie: BO: 700k by Zorro1000 Insta: 1m5 Excadrill: BO: 350k by Ykzh Insta: 600k Aerodactyl: BO: 300k by raiko1253 Insta: 450k Ferroseed: BO: 150k by Elementer Insta: 400k Offers down below :Shy: Auction ends in 72h.
  5. ahh, the troll from the trade chat... Greetings
  6. okay, auction finished. Can you write me ingame? :Shy: IGN: Achangelus
  7. 400k Offer for Scizor ingame by Leksi
  8. Hey guys, I'd like to sell these Pokemons. Dusknoir: Startoffer: 300k Tyranitar: BO: 450k by Soratai Scizor: Startoffer: 200k Jolteon: Startoffer: 400k Cloyster: Startoffer: 150k Auction will be closed in about 2 days. Offers down below :Grin:
  9. okay, pm me ingame: Achangelus =) can be closed
  10. Bump :Sleeping: Last 4 hours started.
  11. Hey Guys, id like to sell this Talonflame and Fletchling. :Grin: Talonflame: BO: 1m5 by Specialone Insta: 3m Fletchling: BO: 1m by Ynthael Insta: 2m Offers down below :Shy:
  12. Togekiss BO: 250k by Crescentmoon95
  13. Gliscor sold ingame :Shy:
  14. Hello Guys, I'd like to sell these Pokemon. Togekiss: Weavile: Gliscor: Offers down below :Shy:
  15. ill start with 300k.
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