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Everything posted by Mvnschaalke

  1. b.o 1m from Theconqueror
  2. insta 3m min bid 100k auction 48h I accept only poke$$$$$$$
  3. contact me Ingame
  4. Im Ingame now.
  5. /close
  6. Hello, i deleted a wrong Poke on Silver Server. It was a Gastrodon lvl 100. 5min ago. Would be nice when a dev can bring it back. The Problem is, i dont have a Screenshot, because i reloged. I Thought it was a bug xD. So i cant found it on my Computer so i think i deleted it. :( Ingamename : mvnschaalke
  7. That would be awesome!!
  8. lul, its the same Problem that we have on silver. Thats a sad WQ Bug. Hope it will be fixed soon. Greetz
  9. Hi, youre not alone with that Problem. A lot of ppl reached the 0,5% for the ticket of the Yamask World Quest. "Silver Server WQ deactivated, will talk with the CS as soon as he's available and give more news. There seems to be a bug where it does weird thing if the server crashes.". Thats the Announcement from a dev in Discord. Check it out and wait for more Informations. Greetz mvn
  10. A lot of ppl reached the 0.5% yesterday. Youre not alone with the Problem. I hope that problem will solved and all ppl get the ticket from the Worldquest.
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