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Posts posted by Purplemauth

  1. Officiality (Discord)

    As the most prominently interlinked out-of-game chatting hub used by PRO, it is accepted as PRO's official out-of-game chat; as such, it is used as the go-to player-support real-time chat outside of the game, as well as a popular hub for conversing with the rest of the community.


    Its rules are codified similarly and thus the same guidelines and rulings should be expected here as you would expect from any other medium in PRO's network of services.


    I'm not complaining or anything, but I did notice that some leeway is given for profanity in the discord's general chat. I don't have an issue with that but it does seem contradictive in the sense that any sort of profanity used in All Chat is against the rules and for Discord that rule is slightly lessened.


    Discord is completely separate from in game. Totally different rules, totally different moderators, totally different set up. Discord is also far more customizable (you can block people you dont like, bots will filter out certain things, etc.) where as in game the chat can't be prevented in anyway. The rules need to be different because they are not the same platform and each chat is functionally different.

  2. Unfortunately since the game is still in beta it can be prone to crashing as it is in constant development. There may be compensation in the future once the bugs are fixed, however there is no real estimated time of when or if that might happen. It can be frustrating for everyone, but usually they're resolved quite quickly.

  3. This has been suggested many times before. However, there is no way to give a role (in our server) a way to bypass slowmode without giving mod permissions, meaning that it will not happen. While we appreciate some users are more active than others, the slowmode is never on for more than a couple minutes at a time, and now that slowmode works natively with Discord to prevent users from typing during the slowmode, we've used reduced times for slowmode. It's never more than 15 seconds at a time.

    • If you could improve one facet of the event, what would it be?
      • The maps are too big. The maps are not able to be navigated without using the Staffview command. I appreciate the detail and how much time and effort undoubtedly went into their creation, however the scale of them is daunting and overwhelming.
      • I think there is a difference between something that is "difficult" and something that is cryptic and/or tedious. I think back to hunting eggs and needing to find 40 was an unnecessary goose chase that I think almost no one did without having a guide open. Shout out to the guide makers, y'all the real MVPs. I also think back to the sound thing with the gracidea and while I really enjoy seeing that a quest that unique is able to happen, as someone who plays with the game muted, I would never have known to do it like that again, without a guide.

      [*]What was your favorite part of the event?

      • Little Cup. Without a doubt. This was unique, totally unexpected and added a much needed way to get Easter Tokens. The selection of available pokemon were good - but why is Riolu only at night? Give people a wider selection of things to choose from for their battles. If i get to the battle at morning (like I did) I can't use a Riolu unless i bring one in. Just make everything spawn all the time.
      • Shaymin was an obvious big plus. The quest was mostly good but I think the last part of it was too cryptic. It just felt like an artificial way of people waiting before getting their pokemon. Especially since once it was figured out everyone just lended the necessary pokemon to others to get it done.

      [*]What was your least favorite part of the event?

      - The slow pace at the beginning for getting Easter tokens. It felt insurmountable and tedious doing daily quests to get 1/10th of the way to 1/6th of the mounts. Every 3 days you get more shards, but still, this process is slooooow. People lose interest (myself included).

      [*]What can we do to make the event better for next year?

      - Change farming for event skins.

      1. I am going to echo sentiments here and say that it is time to remove 1/550 event spawns from the game. When I think about this event, the most notable skin i'm going to remember is Pawniard. This is a problem because it's a skin not related to the event. Not only is it the most interesting skin (in my opinion) but it is a tier 8-9 pokemon that has an event skin, is repel-trickable, and is way more manageable to try and get one with a rarity of 1/100. Why would I spend any time farming for a larvesta that is harder to encounter, I can't use a money sink (repel trick) if i want to try and get one, and then has an even higher chance of being event skinned? To quote another user who posted before me, Clones and Halloween mons are better designed. Make them tier 9.5. But make it 1/20. Or make it t8 and make it 1/100. -1/550 is simply too ridiculous for anyone other than those willing to commit hours and hours a day to the game. Again, this comes down to the difference between something being difficult and something being tedious.
      2. I would reduce the number of skins and make them more of the focus. This event had Exeggcute, Kangaskhan, Munchlax, Larvesta, Feebas, all of the Togepi's, Azurill and all of their corresponding families. This would mean I need to have on average 6600 encounters of just these pokemon to possibly get all of them. This number isn't awful until you consider that all but two of these are tier 8/9. and even the "common" ones are still uncommon encounters. Reduce the odds, reduce the amount of skins, and make two or three of them the focus for a couple weeks.
      3. Skins are not new content. I am not saying every event needs to have new content, and me saying this is not a bash on staff/artists who work hard to make them and implement them, however with the current rates as they are, when you get no skin, all you have done is farm for a pokemon, which you can do whether there is an event or not.

      [*]Were any parts of the event (or the whole thing) so terrible that we should delete them and forget they were ever added?

      • Remove multiple dailies for Easter Tokens. Having to farm a T8 mon then grind out 6 brushes to get a whopping 200 tokens took too much time and made the event feel like more work. Have a boss (Little cup), a daily (brushes) and an interactive (rocks).
      • I firmly believe the whole philosophy about farming for skins needs to be addressed.


      I believe that you guys deserve a commendation in spite of all that I have suggested (and will likely hear from others) - asking for feedback like this is new and I think demonstrates that you are taking the communities consideration seriously. It is appreciated.

    • Like 1
  4. can you define rare? As it is I dont think i really agree with this - at some point you need to be aware of whats happening in game and just not click the wrong button. The notification already comes up for shinies and event forms which is fine in my opinion.

  5. I mean. legendary pokemon essentially serve the purpose of a loyalty reward. I would rather have a mew after 225 hours than 50k pokedollars or whatever. Having arbitrary monetary rewards for hitting hour requirements doesn't really make sense in my opinion. PRO already has good progression with rewarding players the longer they play. Not needed.

  6. give full screen shot on the where u found micle berry pls

    i have gracieda flower. and i found 5 cry things too but still not micle berry there.

    Which is the correct berry tree in the last part?


    This is where the Micle Berry tree is after you get the "Rumble in the distance" popup.


    This is the top leftmost part of the map.1556504770506.thumb.png.f85492711ae715b27e8875e097836778.png


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