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Everything posted by Iggi

  1. b/o for Fennekin 4th.
  2. 1m for the 4th b/o for Fennekin 4th.
  3. b/o for Fennekin 4th.
  4. b/o for Fennekin 4th.
  5. b/o for Fennekin 4th.
  6. Updated ss of trained pokes.
  7. Removed one dratini and shellder.
  8. Will message you in game. You won.
  9. EV Trained Fennekin 3rd and Fennekin 4th.
  10. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Timid Fennekins <r><IMG src="https://i.snag.gy/fSKnY.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> b/o for Fennekin 4th.</r>
  11. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Timid Fennekins <r><IMG src="https://i.snag.gy/ywH9s.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> b/o for Fennekin 4th.</r>
  12. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Timid Fennekins <r><QUOTE author="thecoolboy93"><s> </e></QUOTE> b/o for Fennekin 4th.</r>
  13. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Timid Fennekins <r><QUOTE author="moody117"><s> </e></QUOTE> b/o for Magikarp 2nd.<br/> <QUOTE author="ion617"><s> </e></QUOTE> b/o for Fennekin 4th.</r>
  14. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Fennekins <t>Bump.</t>
  15. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Fennekins <r><QUOTE author="thecoolboy93"><s> </e></QUOTE> b/o for Fennekin 4th.</r>
  16. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!! added Umbreon, Blastoise, Pineco, and Blissey <t>410k Alakazam</t>
  17. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Fennekins <t>Bump.</t>
  18. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Fennekins <r><QUOTE author="Find2"><s> </e></QUOTE> Um, sure. Okay. You have b/o for Dratini 1st and Shellder 1st.<br/> <QUOTE author="Nabucodonosor"><s> </e></QUOTE> b/o for Fennekin 4th.<br/> <QUOTE author="thecoolboy93"><s> </e></QUOTE> I will keep this up until 2-3 days after the event has finished.<br/> <QUOTE author="Asapp"><s> </e></QUOTE> Type [*img*]*insert link here*[*/img*], remove the "*" or asterisks.<e> </e></QUOTE> Thanks. Also, dunno if this is a good enough price but: 20k on the 2nd magikarp.<e> </e></QUOTE> b/o for Magikarp 2nd.</r>
  19. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!! added Umbreon, Blastoise, Pineco, and Blissey <t>360k Alakazam</t>
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