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Everything posted by Abizaria

  1. I looked and looked for that particular thread before posting here. It is needed though, I like keeping an eye on player's progress threads when they first start. how did you exp all of them
  2. too bad he only attacks once each 2 turn
  3. Re: Pokemonfriendship Shop @TH. nice Hippopotas added <t>hippopotas - 80k <br/> <br/> lvl26 larvitar - 50k</t>
  4. Re: WTS Epic Talonflame (gale wings/adamant/lvl100) <t>as the auction took to long with no information about end i done retire my offer as i dont have the money anymore. ty</t>
  5. Re: WTS Epic Talonflame (gale wings/adamant/lvl100) <t>bid 580k</t>
  6. I dont mean to be rude, but dude u are really stupid. First of all you saw the picture before you placed your bid right? its not like u did a blind bid or something. And if u did a blind bid then again you are stupid. Now stop complaining and deal with the consequences i think you made a mistake. the user you quote is no the same that bid
  7. Re: WTS Epic Talonflame (gale wings/adamant/lvl100) <t>bid 540k</t>
  8. Re: Aarathen's Mart (21 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (9 New) <t>if u dont manage to sell the azumarill for 800k i want give my bid of 500k. msg me<br/> <br/> sry bad english</t>
  9. Re: Aarathen's Mart (21 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (9 New) <t>is azumarril still selling ?</t>
  10. i bid 55k
  11. thats why the priority move :)
  12. good job ty
  13. any offerts ?
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