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  1. wtb : TM30 Shadow Ball said what you sell with price thanks
  2. where i can find it im in kanto please help me
  3. my pokemon Dusclops dont get anymore atacks and he just lvl 45 and i dont get shadow ball and its weird someone can tell me when he get shadow ball? when i can find the man that brings atacks for my pokemon all the atacks he got i know i need to pay him 2K but where i can find him?
  4. ok thanks and when i be there and back to kanto i can buy pokemon that ctach in johto?
  5. when i move from kanto to johto i can buy pokemon if someone catch him in johto and i in kanto i can buy hes pokemon he catch in jhoto?
  6. Ronosh2211


    Can someone explain to me what good abillity for pokemons thanks
  7. Buy shinx 0-80K with good abillty and state just i need he be strong
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