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Everything posted by Nimrodthegoat

  1. Unfortunately, there is no ETA on when Sinnoh will be released. Also, Turtwig isn't obtainable via the wild at the moment. I believe it is dropped as boss reward at Saffron City Thought turtwig was found headbutting trees, I forgot where, but I think that turtwigs were catchable like that.
  2. iT mAy be yOur internet connection. Seems that aLl of the servers are online. Except for Red server it is on a timeout. https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ REad thiS: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177
  3. Don't think that you can catch legendary dogs only their seen data
  4. Qutoe from https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177
  5. Non Negotiable Issues Reset account We will not. You are entitled to create another account as the rules state you can have only 2 per e-mail address (You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person) or play in other servers as per server have different save. Staff will not disable, delete, or reset your account without specific reason.
  6. What were the pokemon you were fighting against? Maybe ou were fightng pokemon with the levitate ability, or they were flying types/
  7. I think thats always been there. There is also another one near Bill's house further ahead.
  8. It is a little suggestion to the forums, but can you make that checkmark a tad bit more visible? It is used to mark notifications as read. It is in the Notification Tab right above the 23 hours. Maybe change the checkmark color to black or something to contrast the background.
  9. Make sure to check the status of the server before making a new thread.
  10. Try posting this in the Bug Resolution Center. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=6
  11. Welcome back, good luck with your work and the missus.
  12. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13194 that link should help, and if you want to add images from the internet just make sure to copy the image address. edit: gifs are supported as well
  13. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13194 that link should help, and if you want to add images from the internet just make sure to copy the image address. I presume he was just joking man. One cant simply ask how to put an image while having image(gif) in his sig. XD When I answered his question, his signature was empty.
  14. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13194 that link should help, and if you want to add images from the internet just make sure to copy the image address.
  15. what in confusion i have no idea who you are either 3spooky5me
  16. Your ping is most likely low. Where are you located?
  17. You don't have any pokemon in your party at all?
  18. I can help you later today if you are on.
  19. Did you release it or it vanished? if you released it for mistake with the ID you may have it back, but if it vanished it means that probably some1 else has your password and no1 can give it back to you (Happy Birthday NimrodTheGoat) How'd you know it was my birthday?
  20. So you released it?
  21. "My espeon has h.p fire,but it doesnt can burn enemy." Can you clarify?
  22. If we demand enough can we have the old forums back? :Crazy: There is return. I've updated the board on latest version and this is totally different branch of forums we are talking about here. Old forums served us well, we need to follow trends. Downgrading the database would be much of a hassle and unknown results could be achieved. So no, not downgrading. :Frown: I guess change is good. for the most part :Proud:
  23. If we demand enough can we have the old forums back? :Crazy:
  24. this has happened to me to. not sure how its fixed, but I think staffers reset the servers and everythign goes back to normal. i have noticed that boss bugs started to increase after the cooldown counter guy was plugged into the servers.
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