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Kahali's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hello, could you add option to turn off battle music? I mean when going from location to another you have pretty cool music in the background and when you encounter some wild pokemon it stops and this battle music starts playing. If you are able to make this music dissapear after changing this in settings I would appreciate that.
  2. I don't think that you get me right. It would look like if you reach highest rank you will have like special rank where you just earn more and more points so that rank would look like system that we have right now (you will not be able to fall from this rank and top 20 who get most points there will get rewards for being in highest rank and for being in top 20). Other players will get certain rewards for rank that they are in. There would be bronze silver gold... or ranks like pokemon trainer, master... But rank block was just an idea that may be consider when making this system. AND TOP 20 AREN'T RANKS, THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE WITH HIGHEST POINTS AT THE END OF THE MONTH + EVERY PEOPLE START WITH FIRST RANK AT START OF THE NEW MONTH.
  3. I mean top 25 would still get rewards but other people that achieved some ranks would get smaller prizes too.
  4. " There's already ranked PvP ingame where if you end up in the top 25 at the end of the month you get a lot of extra PvP coins as a reward " Yup I know that and this system is bad in my opinion. It should be remade into new system where you actually have ranks. This what we have right now is mehh like there's nothing you can achieve besides top 25 and farming pvp points. New system would give players something new/fresh + it would make them want to achieve some rank beside just farming points and wishing to be in top 25 no life pvp players (sorry for calling them like that but I think that's true)
  5. Hello PRO team, I quess that you are planning to add ranking system to PRO but how it could look like? I mean in my view it could look like if you achieve certain rank it'll display on your PRO profile/ingame account and if you achieve certain rank first time you get rewards and also you will get rewards at the end of the month + maybe if you achieve certain rank you can't fall below it until end of the month. This update would make PVP more profitable and players would be more encouraged to fight against each other.
  6. ye it should be 10+1+1=12
  7. It should be 12 not 22.
  8. Hey today I deleted 2 chimchars. I want them back bec I forgot that you can donate them for summer points. ID 37424510 and ID 37424633
  9. sry for not responding
  10. oke i left
  11. Sorry for sending 2 screenshots
  12. hey can you give me back my 2 pokemons because I removed wrong one by the mistake.
  13. Can't log in for like 10 min to my account. I restarted launcher few times.
  14. Someone said that I can't use pokeballs on heatran quest but now it is easy.
  15. Oh thank you
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