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Everything posted by Maynaq

  1. Did you sell this, if you did not (since the bidder seems banned) I would like to start with 2m and would like to know when will you sell it exactly.
  2. Maynaq

    Shadow Tag Voting

    I vote for not to ban Simply, there are too many stalling teams and gothitelle is one of the strageties to counter them. Besides it is so hard to obtain therefore there aren't many in the pvp anyway
  3. Pokemon, waiting for Ash to win Kalos league
  4. Chatter is supposed to confuse the target all the time, but in game it does not confuse at all which makes chatot kinda useless for anyone planning to use it.
  5. Chatter is not confusing the target
  6. Hey guys, I had the same problem and I decided to talk Wattson again. First I went to power plant again and he told me to hurry up and stuff. Then I went to its gym and talked him, which completed the quest so I can travel now. You should try to talk with him directly in his gym.
  7. have exactly same problem with the pc at pokecenter at ever grande and its really frustrating.
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