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Everything posted by Luxfuit

  1. I'm not sure if u are a fake bidder or not, a newbie that write his first offer in this post, so I won't offer more :) Have fun :thanks:
  2. Re: epic gligar h.a impish <r><QUOTE author="13l4ck"><s> </e></QUOTE> 1.5m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  3. Re: epic gligar h.a impish <r>200k <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  4. Thanks for ur offer, but is too low. There's a starting bid for this reason. I'll refuse and ignore all the offers lower then the starting bid (3m). :Shy:
  5. 'Buyed' and u live in London? WOW :Smile:
  6. If u can post the screen of the other offers. I bid with 1.2m :Grin:
  8. Re: Fletching Untouchable 31,31,31,31,25,20 !!!! <r><QUOTE author="Windalfr11"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unlucky <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  9. You can't do it. I think that this auction had to restart from the last offer, 2.6 by me. Me and Anitore will bid for the Weavile.
  10. 1M BRO :Grin: :Grin:
  11. So I did the last offer or not? We have to restart from there or continue from 4m? :confused:
  12. Re: Wts shiny Kingdra swift swim ev trained for rain team :D <r>Pm 86gigi35 in game, he take it for me now, trade with him ;) <QUOTE author="marsomega"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm still waiting u zzz <E>:Nervous:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> im here, can u trade in game now?<e> </e></QUOTE></r>
  13. Re: Wts shiny Kingdra swift swim ev trained for rain team :D <t>Hey, I'm at work atm I'll be online in 3 hours, is ok for u? Or u can trade only now?</t>
  14. Bump :Grin:
  15. Hi guys, Lux here :Grin: I'm looking for: - Epic/Godly Bold Natural Cure Budew-Roselia-Roserade. - Epic/Godly Fletching/Fletchinder/Talonflame Adamant/Impish with Gale Wings ability. - Epic/Godly Bold Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss Seren Grace. - Epic/Godly Impish/Relaxed Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert. Budget is unlimited, I'll pay a lot if they are good. Pm me here or in game if I'm online or send link in this post with ur shops, I'll answer soon as possible. Have fun :thanks:
  16. 1.7 bro :Angel:
  17. 1.4 :))) :kiss:
  18. 1m :Grin:
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