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Everything posted by Luxfuit

  1. Re: Lux's Shop (Lv.100 Epics Pokemon - Shiny Rapidash) <t>Best Dusknoir in blue server updated :)</t>
  2. Hey guys, Lux here, I'm looking for a good/epic gligar-gliscor with impish nature and h.a., if possible with over 25 atk/def/hp. Can pay a lot of money. Pm here or in game IGN: LuxFuit. Have fun. :)
  3. Hey guys Lux here, I'm looking for a Kabuto/Kabutops with Swift Swim Adamant/Naughty/Lonely with good iv's (if possible over 20 atk-def-hp). I can pay a lot of money. PM me here or in game IGN:LuxFuit Have fun. :)
  4. Re: Lux's Shop (Lv.100 Epics Pokemon - Shiny Rapidash) <t>Updated with new pokemon lvl 100 epics :)</t>
  5. Hey I need 50c if possible, pm me or in game LuxFuit :)
  6. Hey guys Lux here, I'm looking for epic Bulbasaur/or evo bold/calm with clorophyl and good iv's. Pm me in forum or in game IGN: LuxFuit, I can pay a lot of moneyyy. See ya.
  7. 700 by me IGN: LuxFuit
  8. Hey guysss, this is my personal shop. I hope u will find here what u desire. Write there your offers. If I'll receive offer via pm or in game I'll update this post. Pm me here or in game IGN: LuxFuit. I'm looking for froakie/greninja timid epic protean ability. Have fun :) BLASTOISE CLONE 3X31 BEST IN BLUE SERVER START BID: 6,5M INSTA: 8M BISHARP SHINY START BID: 8M INSTA: 10M INFERNAPE START BID: 3M INSTA: 4M SOLD POKE Other pokemon:
  9. Want to sell this Magikarp shiny 31-31 best on blue server. Write there your offers. Sold in game :)
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