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Everything posted by Bignorr

  1. I am posting this on behalf of my roommate who has been playing PRO for the last couple months. When he first started he evolved his Eevee into a Jolteon because it looked cool and he didn't understand the game or stats at all. Once he started learning the game he realized he would have a much better Umbreon with the stats it had. So he wanted to know if there is any way to devolve a pokemon that evolves by stone. Even if the pokemon goes back to lvl 1 with no EV training complete and the ability to do this involves a difficult or expensive quest. This way now that he understands the game he can get the pokemon he wants. there would also be the added benefit to other players where the lower forms can learn moves their evolved forms cannot they have the chance to go back if they evolve their pokemon by accident and have a do-over.
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Erika gave me 5 of each EV reducing berry</t>
  3. So I've tried with multiple pokemon that know hypnosis (gengar, poliwag), sleep powder (oddish), stun spore (parasect), and thunderwave (Pikachu) and every time I get the same message. I have successfully subdued him before using at least 2 of these same pokemon. Already tried relogging and closing and reopening client.
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