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About Hatsuharu

  • Birthday August 12

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  1. THIS WASN'T ANY BUG. IT WAS MY MISTAKE. PLEASE DELETE OR CLOSE THIS POST. THANKS. I recently bought the Sandstorm Wings from the coin shop, but it doesn't appear in my bag. I've relogged twice and restarted the client already.
  2. I was very satisfied with the outcome. I also didn't expect it to be done quickly, to me at least. I'd recommend it. (the guy's very approachable too :D). Good luck!
  3. The title speaks for itself. Also, I am unable to get out of the castle without the use of an escape rope. Stepping on the platform to go out tells me this, "A strong magic prevents your escape."
  4. Hi. I was told my pokemon could be restored without the ID as long as I have a pic of its nature and ivs. I accidentally released my magikarp on Silver server
  5. Oh, that's unfortunate. Guess I'll have to grind up some more hours. Thank you. :)
  6. I was able to battle them after achieving 50 hrs in Hoenn. After that, I went to to the moon to touch the shiny stone and catch Jirachi, however, it says, "It seems like nothing happened..."
  7. I see. No wonder haha. I'll update if it works. Thanks! :)
  8. Hi. Yesterday, I began doing the Jirachi quest and have followed every steps in the guide. I've gotten all the requirements done At least 200h Playtime Be Hoenn Champion All possible Kanto, Johto, Hoenn Pokemon caught (Including Mew and Celebi, seen data only for other legendaries) At least 210 Evolutions At least $15,000 At least 6 lvl 100 Pokémon However, as I was going to the Marine cave and Terra cave for both Kyogre and Groudon's dex data, a grunt is blocking and says that he doesn't want to have a pokemon battle with me. (Yes, I have 6 level 100s equipped with me). Note: I couldn't solve this yesterday so I decided to release my Suicune to battle Nikola for Kyogre and Groudon's dex data as a substitute. After meeting all the requirements, the shiny stone would not teleport me to the wish room* So maybe I thought I have to get data through Boss Maxie and Archie. I hope someone can help me with this. Thank you. :)
  9. yuno, don't forget to invite thematthew562. :Grin:
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