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Posts posted by Byf11

  1. Over the last year, I have had the pleasure to get to know you. I have been on and off of PRO for some time now, and I am sorry that we didn't talk as much as we should. I am glad Kakuna Rattata was a welcoming home for you. When NZ and I created the guild it was exactly for that, to create an environment to help out and be helped. I have never met such a nice person in my life such as you, irl or online, and your presence in Discord will certainly be missed so please don't leave for too long.


    I am sorry for what has happened to you lately, I truly am, and I wish I could hug you because that's what this situation warrants. I know everyone you mentioned will miss you. I certainly will. Life often deals us horrible hands but I am sure you can get past this. I will be in Discord and reply to you as soon as I can if you ever wish to talk.

  2. [mention]PreHax[/mention]


    Ok, so are you implying that the fact that you have over 9000 comments here makes your opinion more valid than mine? No dude, sorry, you are toxic, and your happy facade doesn't help you at all. Link to your comment history all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you don't provide any constructive commentary here.

  3. always the same old salt post, meh nothing new about that too :)


    I find your comment ironic, since whenever I come to the forums and see a comment from you, I see salt.


    He is making valid points, and presenting them in a creative way. What's wrong with that? You do realize that most people that come here and take the time to post something do so because they believe that by doing so they are making the game better in some way or another.

  4. Why? Because their HAs are currently overpowered. I get that they are supposed to be great since they are hidden abilities and they are legendary beasts, but please understand that the fact that they are so limited and you can't grind for them makes it a bit unfair when you lucked out on an HA.


    I know, I know, this game is RNG based, and some people are bound to get better rolls in legendaries than others, but this case is different.


    Game Freak nerfed the legendary dogs and gave them Inner Focus when Sun and Moon were released. Ironically, these HAs have never been released in the games, and have never been obtainable. The gen 1 birds and the gen 3 regis have had their HAs released, but never these.


    I think this would bring some balancing to these dogs and still give them some advantage over non-HA ones, since Inner Focus is better than Pressure in most cases.

  5. 354007 Zorua/zoroak's Illusion ability will be a nightmare to all pvpers in PRO once it coded (well, which may take forever).. as we dont have team preview here.


    Imposter hasn't been coded yet, I doubt it will ever be coded. It might be one of the hardest abilities to code in Pokemon.

  6. So, the pink pokemon are a tier rarer than their normal counterparts. Is this going by the 9 tier system that was mentioned in the rarity guide posted by Shane (or was it Red?) If so, I am supposed to encounter more pink commons than normal uncommons right? For example, Paras is common, so by that definition pink Paras will be more common that standard Electabuzz? I'm confused.


    Also, what happens with tier 9? Do they go from extremely rare to limited? If so, does that mean we can't find em?

  7. After seeing this all go down in the last 6 hours, I have a few things to say.


    First, thank you for bringing us new content every now and then. I'm looking forward to getting a pink Parasect False Swiper.

    Second, I would really like to know the spawn rates of the pink Pokemon, mainly because I'm busy and would like to know how much I would realistically need to farm to get the Pokemon I want.

    Third, the 20K thing without beating Giovanni is probably a glitch.

  8. 352214
    352213 Gonna remove the quoted content since it's getting so long.


    So, this island is going to be a permanent area? The requirements make much more sense if that is the case (since they are probably comparable to the Cerulean Cave questline, in a sense.)

    Its not a event is an area.


    Just like Vulcan is an area (and an event)... oh wait. I'm just asking this to see if this is indeed a permanent area.

  9. 352154

    The problem with this is that it's causing misinformation. Most people on blue are saying that you need 300 hours in the game to get to Pinkan, which would be a bit sad for new players (and alts).


    I have done almost everything there is to do on this game on two accounts. Hoenn, bosses, PvP, you name it. Yet, on the account that has ~237 hours, I can't get Officer Jenny to talk.


    So, please, at least drop us a hint. Do you have to beat a boss? Is it truly hour-related? Or maybe dex or evos? Hmmmmm.


    It's hour related. The reason why there's a time requirement is to filter out as many bots as possible. While there are lots of safeguards in place, they always somehow find they way around. The time requirement is there to bring that number of bots passing through there to a minimum.


    Ok, so it's confirmed. That's a bit strange considering that bots spend an inordinate amount of time gaining hours. For example, during xmas, some accounts had 1000 hours in a week. I just hope there was some other sort of bot detectors, like captcha.


    EDIT: I would just like to thank you for helping keep this game awesome. I realize the above comment might sound like I'm angry but I'm just baffled by the playtime requirement.

  10. 352149


    It's an extra feature, so I think that finding out yourself is better than having someone from the team confirm. It's different to something that you have to do to move on with the game.


    The problem with this is that it's causing misinformation. Most people on blue are saying that you need 300 hours in the game to get to Pinkan, which would be a bit sad for new players (and alts).


    I have done almost everything there is to do on this game on two accounts. Hoenn, bosses, PvP, you name it. Yet, on the account that has ~237 hours, I can't get Officer Jenny to talk.


    So, please, at least drop us a hint. Do you have to beat a boss? Is it truly hour-related? Or maybe dex or evos? Hmmmmm.


    99% not dex related. unless it's an insane requirement. I only have 120 hours with tons of dex info, that's all i do on my alt.


    Yeah same here. For example: mainzyvZEMR.png with 1200 hours and alt jdfB9e8.png with 237 hours.


    So dex is probably out. If it's a 300 hour time req it's gonna be a bit bad.

  11. 352130 Can a mod confirm on the requirements please?Everyone is saying different things.


    It's an extra feature, so I think that finding out yourself is better than having someone from the team confirm. It's different to something that you have to do to move on with the game.


    The problem with this is that it's causing misinformation. Most people on blue are saying that you need 300 hours in the game to get to Pinkan, which would be a bit sad for new players (and alts).


    I have done almost everything there is to do on this game on two accounts. Hoenn, bosses, PvP, you name it. Yet, on the account that has ~237 hours, I can't get Officer Jenny to talk.


    So, please, at least drop us a hint. Do you have to beat a boss? Is it truly hour-related? Or maybe dex or evos? Hmmmmm.

  12. You can install an unsigned game on iOS either through Jailbreak or Cydia Impactor, but this would require to develop the game for a completely new platform and it would not be available in the App Store. This has been said many time by devs, it will not happen.

  13. I would also like to know if there is any official word on this issue. I have spend probably real life days farming discoveries and the only thing excavation sites are worth for right now is Shroomish. Like you, I've only found 1 Pawniard in two months, a few Mawiles but that's it.


    It's certainly unfair that we now have no way to farm for a good Kabutops, for example.

  14. Some Pokémon are rarer than others. Swablu is rarer than Sandshrew. Regardless, they both hold the same rate for being xmas Pokémon, so no, it wouldn't have mattered. As Amca pointed out, it's all based on luck.


    I don't know about these games, but in the original ones, whenever you encountered a Pokémon it would have a chance to be shiny, dictated by the Pokémon ID (PID). If that's the case in this game, hunting shiny is just like rolling a dice every time you encounter a Pokémon. Only difference being that this dice has 1024 faces and only one with a Christmas Pokémon.

  15. Re: ✱ Wings Of Destiny ✱ Blue Server · 18+ · International Guild


    <r>Hello Allira. I write to you requesting a spot in your guild, a lot of my old guild is in there and I miss them.<br/>


    <B><s></s>Application form<e></e></B><br/>

    1. IGN: BYF11 Hours: 784 hours. Link to trainer card: <URL url="https://imgur.com/LOoWpMc"><s>http://</s>https://imgur.com/LOoWpMc<e></e></URL>.<br/>

    2. I want to join because I want an active community to chat with experienced and friendly trainers, also because a lot of my ex guild members are there.<br/>

    3. All badges (24.)<br/>

    4. I am always on Discord.<br/>

    5. I wanted to play Pokémon but didn't have a 3DS. Then I stayed because it's a great game.<br/>

    6. I meet all those requirements (fluent English, 23, only play on Blue.)<br/>

    7. I tend to be really helpful and I'm always active on chat when I play. I have a lot of experience in this game. <br/>

    8. Laertes, and old guild member and now member of your guild, told me about you guys.<br/>


    Thanks for your time.</r>

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