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Everything posted by Naykuliog

  1. Start Price: 500k End Point: 24h after start No Insta Min. Raise: 50k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollars CC - 350k
  2. sold 2.2m winner Xaizen
  3. Start Price: 2m End Point: 48h after start (Friday 10.3. 23:50 GMT+1) No Insta Min. Raise: 100k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollars CC - 350k C.O: 2.1m by Sebasderre
  4. From now on every new member will receive a 50k welcome gift
  5. Hey, check your DM :)
  6. Hey, nice :D check your dm
  7. I'm looking for partners and officers to co-lead the guild. You have to be active and speak english, let's evolve and bring greatness to this guild together! You can make your own branch inside the guild if you are PVP focused. HMU
  8. Nice, i've sent you an discord invite.. hit me up :)
  9. This guild was created to bring together the mightiest hunters in the pokemon world! We're here to help each other and hang out while focusing on hunting epic pokes and train them to achieve their full potential. You will also enjoy in various events, such as guild hunting, different tournaments and much more. We will strive towards achieving greatness and making a collection no one has ever seen before! Every new member will get a welcome gift! ENGLISH ONLY! - You have to be active - At least kanto region completed - Discord - Passion and patience for hunting - A big smile and positive attitude :) - Your ingame name: - Your discord name: - Hours played: - Age: - Your favorite pokemon: - A bit about yourself: THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND SEE YOU IG !
  10. Yoo ! I'd really like to join your guild, i've been playing pro since almost the beginning (had a break now for some time because of some personal stuff). But now i'm back and looking forward to meet some new friends and get back together with some old ones to have some fun again (cocktails included ofc. xD ). So see ya IG ! :) My ign is: naykuliog
  11. 3.5m :Heart:
  12. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>1.What is your username? - Naykuliog<br/> 2.Do you meet the requirements stated above? - Yes, i do <br/> 3.Do you vow to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? - Of course, till the end !</t>
  13. What do you plan to achieve in the game? :) Well the blood of a hunter is running trough my veins :D my main objective is to find and catch epic rare/pvp pokes... i might do some pvp later on but for now i'm focused on hunting :)
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