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  1. Ohhhh lol. i mistaken this for another game called PokeOne. Its so similar tho :D Alright then thanks for everything :D This case can be closed
  2. HI, no.. im pretty sure that were my names. You cant see my files I attached ? You can see the names there. Or is it because i already merged them they dont exist anymore.. Im uploading my files as .jpg files but after they finished loading they are crossed out as if it failed. I tried loading an image into this text it failed too.. it says " oops we ran into some problems". https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-355313-1582982590.jpg.html https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-f2ca1d-1582982628.jpg.html https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-99d4c4-1582982719.jpg.html https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-0c3f30-1582982655.jpg.html https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-5e3317-1582982841.jpg.html I hope this works.
  3. HI, I played Pokemon Revolution like few years ago. I had my account "crazyweapon61" and "TheCoordinate6". I honestly cant remember if they were either "blue" or "red" server. Now i merged them because i had to and I chose Red Server. Now i logged in and i have an account called "oktay61". Its on the Silver Server but i only have some of my pokemon and so many items are not there. Its almost blank. I remember my TM/VM List was full, because i rarely used them or costumes and mounts got completely deleted.. or was that on purpose ? I know in the past you could get rewards for playing and get costumes and mounts.. so I didnt buy any of them just got them from the game maybe thats why they got deleted idk.. but most importantly i had 2 pokemon which were really precious to me. Gardevoir and Scizor ( Scherox in German). I even took pictures of them lol maybe you want to see them ? Oh and i have no money really .. idk this is odd i hope i can get back some of my stuff :( i really dont want to start from the scratch. In my Trainer Profile it says Join Date "15-04-2016" and I have the first 5 badges also my friends list is empty :/ EDIT: i attached the files
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