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  1. Re: BUY cranidos/purrloin/phantump <t>Push!!</t>
  2. im finish ...any gm help me delete post ty
  3. https://imgur.com/a/TgOa6 I catch a pinsir get 135 iv and 290 point may i get the reward volcarona Name :Jingkoo88 Server:Blue
  4. Vote=Ban https://i.imgur.com/51S0ixh.jpg https://i.imgur.com/y72V19Z.jpg when i use politoed me sure lose one Pokemon when Gothitelle is sent into battle on a pokemon it can set up on. when i use some pokemon tank like blissey/ferrossed Gothitelle to set up Calm Minds on each Pokemon is very long which makes battles dull and time-consuming. (i experience the most waste time is 30minit on my ferrossed) it is difficult to know whether your opponent has a Gothitelle so you are not given a chance to play around it. Even though Gothitelle can easily be revenge-killed, it can easily switch out to a counter. Especially with the lack of Pursuit.
  5. Hi gm ~me has buy transit pass 100k 2day ago...2day no any problem but just now i use it but npc will ask me pay 2.5k may i know this is bug? Kanto go johto or come back no need pay Vermilion go hoenn or come back no need pay But pc go pc wan pay 2.5k i has pay alot money Can u gm help me check it is bug or not I ask other player they noting this problem only me If is bug hope gm can help me fix it Thank you very much
  6. hi gm just now i use my pvp coins 500 to change the kyogre mount....after i change it i fount kyogre mount is surf mount .....before i change it i think the kyorgre mount is walk mount @@ any gm can help me change back the kyorgre mount to raiko mount walk pls...thank you so much
  7. Make sure you've followed all the steps in this guide. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=10217 You may be missing one or two things, for example if you only have 350 hours played then you will need to play a little bit more :p thank you so much i get the old map
  8. im finish catch all pokemon 1~150 and 350time and evo 70 why i cant get the map from old man?
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