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Everything posted by Trioyeong

  1. sure u cant defeat, because charizard are fly/fire ... just 1 eletrick u will pain.
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres] <t>i get gasty , focus sash x3 and 35888 money lol</t>
  3. i am same with u , i no get any reward from him also
  4. i got latias's data from boss,i need to find latias again? I find all 19 place but i no see latios zz
  5. Now we cant enter love island? 1 more question how happiny evol? (i am max happy and holding oval stone,but lv up at morning cant evol...or need go in love island to evol it?) I am thinking why i cant enter love island now
  6. I find it ! thx !!!
  7. 155iv i get disc that make porygon !
  8. Any one can teach where can dive into route 129 undertwater? I had find whole map route 129 and i cant find the place of dive zz
  9. High tide u can go in at poketime (2100-0159) and (0900-1359), this not a bug
  10. i find a Murkrow at Haunted Site's shiny stone (07:55 morning) 3400 dis
  11. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>u have find out elder log coal?</t>
  12. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>u have find out elder log coal?</t>
  13. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>i forget that name "Elder xxxx xxx'</t>
  14. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>same with me , i cant even find pichu's need item at burn tower zz...waste so many time</t>
  15. how to do Scientst Smith's quest at Hoenn Leev Town?He ask me find out Aerodactyl,that is jotho Old Amber right or ?
  16. finally i pass this !
  17. Any one here know how to pass moon and find out Rayquaza? I am so confuse ~~
  18. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>got more boss to find out? any new boss ?</t>
  19. hello guy,can i ask about gromy? It can evol to goodra now ?Since as my know it evol only at raining day...
  20. Blue server are down long time ?
  21. guy i have done beat red and caught 143 kanto pokemon/ evoled 80,what requirement i need to do and go to trainer valley from train? (i have done subway quest too)
  22. Can i ask ? If i lose to Jame and jessie,they will return back ?
  23. i show 152iv = reward a big nugget and 127iv = reward 2 nuggets
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