Smartest: Omicroneta
Friendliest: Stickstoff
Funniest: Omicroneta
Coolest: Cyber54
Comeback Player of the Year: Wipesbild
Most Talkative: Bossman123
Most Trustworthy: Cames
Most Helpful: Jacotrica
Most Missed: Roboteddy
Most Influential: Walrosskastanie
Most Intriguing: Goldmariechen
Best GM: Suhuzen
Best CC: Shaui
Best MOD: Eaty
Best CS: Biaozila
Best Artist: Sirmeowington
Best Mapper: Spectify
Most Professional Staff: Eaty
Most Friendly Staff: Eaty
Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac
Most Honorable Former Staff: Suhuzen
you won't miss it, I finally was allowed to go and zoruas and rufflets are too hard to find and both are hardly worth anything in today's market. I would rate mirage island as 3/10.
but i try it since release :D
i wanna surf to route 130 and hard stuck in loadingscreen :(
Can u port my char back to city or so ?