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Everything posted by Darbi94

  1. well this solution wont make players satisfied this just make them angry i know you wont believe anyone will say this thing but its really bother me and bother other players who will face this problem i know that you guys work hard for making this game alive and also clear of bugs thank for this but at least like this problem must have something to give the players who lose this things as Compensation , because in my case i still newbie and spent one day farming this things the next day they gone in the air like i did nothing. sorry for this but i am really angry now i need another day farming to get back the items again thank you for working hard on this game and hope the best for the team :)
  2. i was catching beldum and lost like 100 balls while catching and i have more also was waiting to beldum health get low then gengar to stop take down then suddenly the game stopped after 10 min waiting the game disconnected i just lost the balls and didn't get any thing i have screenshot i need help with this please thank you
  3. Thank you for accepting me , i would love to join ur guild as well <3
  4. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? darbi94 2. Number of hours played? 95 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? charizard 4. Do you use discord? yes darbi94#9315 5. What country are you from? Jordan 6. How old are you? 25 7. When's your Birthday? 15/7/1994
  5. How Many Hours? 4 hours and in off days 8-9 Do You Have Discord? yes Are You Done Story? If Not How Far Are You In The Story? no i am not just finished johto and johto elite 4 still farming Do You Have A PVP team? (Just Curious) no still newbie Total Hours Played?: 95 hours Favorite Pokemon And Why? :D charizard old days favourite poke from the anime Are You Able To Visit Our Discord Server? yes Please Provide A Screenshot Of Your Trainer Card Why Should We Accept You To Our Guild? i like to be in friendly group that can every body help each other Discord ID and Username? darbi94#9315
  6. darbi94 95hours darbi94#9315 finished johto and johto e4 still farming before go to hoenn depend usual days 4-6 hours in my off days 8-9 still newbie but i will enjoy both no want a friendly environment and and want to join a guild so guys in guild can help each other
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