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  1. So I noticed how usually what the Help Chat ends up being is a channel used for people to ask how they rate their pokemon. I feel like that isn't the original intention of the chat. I created a Rate Chat Channel and am trying to advertise it, but I think it would be really cool if it came standard with the download. I think having it would allow people who want to know opinions on Pokemon get responses while also allowing people that need help also not have to fight through a giant chat log. I think it would be really cool if this got implemented because it helps all parties.
  2. So I always notice that the Help Chat is constantly filled with people asking for opinions on Pokemon. I think this puts a problem with people with questions. So I decided to set up a Chat Channel dedicated to Rating: Rate. I think this will help people get quick and easy access to Rating pokemon without getting yelled at or putting a backload of other questions or getting ignored completely. I have set up Channels for both Red and Blue, so anyone is able to use the system. I would love to see people use this Chat Channel and seeing people get helped at the same time. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support, Anonymous Walrus.
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