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Everything posted by Arain3998

  1. and plz fix drain punch quickly.....bcz when people found that drain punch is prohibited now, they use snorlax only in the pvp game......every game is snorlax, boring, really very boring
  2. Move/ Ability/ Item Name: thief Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): I used thief but the opponent's leftover still worked, wtf Description of Bug/ Not Code: I used thief but the opponent's leftover still worked, wtf How it should be: it should not work Evidence (video/ others): I don't take pictures, I will link it here if I have ones
  3. knock off and thief won't affect, people still hold their item and works well, plz fixe them.....there are too many problems now than before....
  4. Re: WTS Epic Jolly Gible <t>2.1 millions</t>
  5. Re: WTS Epic Jolly Gible <r>1.6m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. It works!! Thank u!!
  7. PRO Username: arain3998 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? run every pokemon center to check the pc in transmat station What have you already tried to solve the problem? run every pokemon center to check the pc in transmat station Description and Message My friend was running and trying to fininsh the transmat station issue. He visited every pokemon center and try to install the software, and he finished 4 pcs, but there is still one undone. He ran every pc and failed to install except Mossdeep City. The problem is even though there is no fail message on the pc of Mossdeep City, there is no successfully installing message, too. What happened or how can he do to fix this ?
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [FIXED NEW BOSS INFORMATION !!] <t>My friend and I can't battle gingery jones.<br/> I can't go down and my friend can go down to him but can't fight.</t>
  9. it still happened when I just tried.
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