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Everything posted by Ssiregar

  1. Re: CHRONOS (International Guild) Recruiting 17+! <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you for interesting in our guild. Unfortunately we have requirements for the new applicant. However, if you really want to join our guild, we can wait for you when you meet our requirements. You need at least 16 badges or 150 hours game play and if you dont mind I can invite you too to our Discord for now. Have a nice day :)<e> </e></QUOTE> Yes please, meanwhile when I'm leveling my poke team (in my spare time) can I join the discord community? thanks! <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  2. Re: CHRONOS (International Guild) Recruiting 17+! <r>Hallo chronos guild! apa kabar? saya udah lama jg gak maen nih hampir 1 tahun lebih hehe (sampe MS nya expired <E>:Smile:</E> )<br/> <br/> So here we go, I will registered and stick to the rules:<br/> <br/> 1. Tell us about yourself!<br/> <br/> Hi there people, my name is Saladin but you call me Salad. I'm a veteran gamer because as kid (4 y/o) until like 20 years of journey i've still playing game during my busy time in schools and workplace. Myself also have been pokemon fan since the first release of pokemon yellow/red/blue/green in Gameboy. So pleased to meet you all!<br/> <br/> 2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue)<br/> <br/> RED<br/> <br/> 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?<br/> <br/> 21 Hr 30 Min, 1st badge (and will be go on)<br/> <br/> to be noted my join date is 22-09-2015, (ive stopped due to RL massive activities at that time) <E>:Cool:</E> <br/> <br/> 4. How old are you? Where do you come from?<br/> <br/> I'm 26 and im a proud Indonesian<br/> <br/> 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? <br/> <br/> Having new friend with same hobby as pokemon lovers, also expanding communities<br/> <br/> 6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?<br/> <br/> It's mainly because YOU and I loves pokemon world! <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> <br/> 7. Have you in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.<br/> <br/> Nope<br/> <br/> 8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?<br/> <br/> Charizard, as the pokemon is my first choice in the first game<br/> <br/> 9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?<br/> <br/> Yes I am, I join and owned several discourd channel with my gaming community<br/> <br/> 10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?<br/> <br/> WILL DO! horas!</r>
  3. wah ketinggalan ikutan nih apakah bakal ada lagi hehehe :Angel:
  4. Any slots ? I would love to join :Cool:
  5. Bro, please info ke yang lain yak.. thanks! :Cool:
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