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Bossclydeo's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 2m clefable 2
  2. Clefable 2 1.5m
  3. Hi Astraea, I have already merge my red server account however, when I try to log in with, Silver server, they don't accept my password, but on the gold server I got accepted without my character merged, and started it again in the beginning, is this a failed merge
  4. Can you check my account, I was part of the red version, and my user name and password was not accepted on the login, I used to play on PC before and now I am using Android phone for log in, are those different or is this a new server
  5. Re: WTS Epic Blastoise and Politoed <t>250k Blastoise</t>
  6. QUAGSIRE https://prnt.sc/elozl4 https://prnt.sc/elozl4 insta 500k BLISSEY https://prnt.sc/elp04j https://prnt.sc/elp04j insta 700k
  7. Re: Sell 4 pokemon epic pvp ready <t>What time are you online bro.</t>
  8. Re: Big's Shop>update 15 mar some pokemon and price <t>Are you online.? Ill buy insta wants your IGN</t>
  9. Re: Wtf Epic conkeldurr guts 31x2 <t>1m my offer</t>
  10. Re: VERY EPIC GLISCOR IMPISH - GIGALITH - SNORLAX - MAMOSWINE <t>500k snorlax, 4m gliscor</t>
  11. Re: [EPIC] SNORLAX - WEEZING - MAMOSWINE - GIGALITH [EPIC] <t>400k weezing</t>
  12. https://prnt.sc/ecb4bj
  13. S>this epic poke or offer https://prnt.sc/ea80iy
  14. https://prntscr.com/cm7cor starting price would be 3m.. insta 4.5m
  15. Re: Epic modest Ludicolo and poison heal Breloom <t>700k ludicolo</t>
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