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Everything posted by Scruffy120

  1. Re: 1vs6 Lv120 Boss Team HACKER! (Vol.28 VS Ravine Updated!) <t>Vol 14 for pro elm is a typo :) its not dragon dance, its stock pile ^_^</t>
  2. Willing to buy any color! PM me your price :) IGN: Scruffy120
  3. PM offers, IGN Scruffy120. EDIT: SOLD!
  4. Preparation for the halloween update
  5. Re: Shinigami - NOW RECRUITING! RED SERVER. <r><QUOTE author="JeReMCo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you!! So far you guys are freaking AWESOME!!!!</r>
  6. Re: Shinigami - NOW RECRUITING! RED SERVER. <r><QUOTE author="JeReMCo"><s> </e></QUOTE> I use ShareX to take screenshots, imgur is my favorite image hosting service! I can't upload until I have a certain number of posts, it threw me some error about not having enough posts to share links =\<br/> <br/> Anyway ugh, I signed up a year or so ago and never played much...life and such! But I've been playing the last few days, I'd guess around 8 or so hours per day. I've got 2 lvl 100's Gengar and Gyrados, they're both crap but they got me through kanto and johto elite 4 :) Rushed a bit into Hoenn but I'm enjoying it. I plan on getting at least the 8th badge by tonight then possibly beating the e4! Who knows! After that, I think I'll work on completing the kanto pokedex and save up some cash for a party hat (I'm a long time runescape fan! I've been playing that and pokemon for at least 10 years now lol)<br/> <br/> I'm 23, male and from New York. I work part time, in my spare time I play this and another game called Torn.<br/> <br/> EDIT: Look's like I can post links now! woohoo! This was the picture I was originally going to post, I've got the second badge now... Don't know if I hit a bug with the museum or the server going down gave me the problem, I'll know when it's back up.<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/LDv3Ljp.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  7. Re: Shinigami - NOW RECRUITING! RED SERVER. <t>I think its time for me to start looking into this whole guild thing! The name Shinigami won me over, the benefits look even better! I've only got 86 hours logged of this posting but its going up rapidly! Anyway, I'm not sure what the standard is for applying or even how to go about joining (I guess those details will follow??) Here's a picture of my trainer info, I'll be online all day >=]<br/> <br/> I can't post links without posting more :( Too busy playing to be posting lol<br/> <br/> If at all possible, PM me in game(IGN: Scruffy120, I don't remember if the forum names are the same in game?)... I don't check the forums much unless im looking for a guide..etc :)</t>
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