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Everything posted by Kanon08

  1. I've played them all too, and I remember being able to do it, at least since Gen 2. Do you have any footage of it displaying Professor Oak's message saying you can't use it? And anyway, it's how it works in current generations, and it would certainly improve navigation inside caves.
  2. I didn't understand it at first but now I see it as a clever trade off. For instance, I have a level 60 Gastly that gets one shotted by Sabrina. I could evolve it to Gengar and the stat boost that comes with evolution will probably allow it to survive and even one shot Sabrina's pokemon, but it would be harder to train afterwards. Or I could choose to not evolve it and keep training the Gastly which will level up faster, and then try to beat Sabrina when it's level 80+.
  3. Bikes in stop houses is only for convenience. I see it like this: you are on your bike, go to stop house, get out of stop house, and almost always you will use your bike again since you are still on the road. This is the way it works in the original games and I think it's very convenient.
  4. I searched for this and was surprised to find nothing in the Suggestions forum. My suggestion is to allow the usage of bikes inside caves and stop houses. Caves are big and players could benefit from the extra speed while navigating. Also, stop houses are between roads, so it makes sense to allow bikes inside them. This is actually how it works in the original games.
  5. Is there a reason why we have to choose the pokemon to use Headbutt or Dig? Can't we just use it as we do with Surf? Also, surf needs click confirmation as well. It would be nice to be able to confirm with the keyboard.
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