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Everything posted by Sitan10

  1. Re: Epic Gastrodon - Ferrothorn <t>2m gastrodon</t>
  2. Re: Epic Gastrodon - Ferrothorn <t>2m ...</t>
  3. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>2m ...</t>
  4. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>1m3 ...</t>
  5. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>1m1 ...</t>
  6. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>bid 550k</t>
  7. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>how much insta ???</t>
  8. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>200k how long bid can be???</t>
  9. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <t>how much :v</t>
  10. Hey magnemite hidden power type ???
  11. Ok can you online ingame right now ???
  12. plz inbox me ingame sitan10 :Grin:
  13. hey end c.o on 9pm so i won,did i?
  14. 600k :Heart-eyes: :Heart-eyes:
  15. up up pay well
  16. I want to buy Shellos Bold Epic/God Storm Drain. :Grin: :Grin: :Grin:
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