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Everything posted by Danielxplus

  1. So I caught a Duskull and when I went to show it to the Joel guy I got the following error: https://prntscr.com/8v5ng1 Help? RELOG TO FIX THIS PROBLEM
  2. 1. Can you use the mount to get inside the bike road? Instead of buying a bike for 75k? 2. Do I need to get the mount from the Arcaine farm to use the arcaine mount? What about different mounts? :thanks:
  3. So I'm 30k short for the bike voucher.. Is there any way to earn this amount? I sold my items to the collector guy and got 40k but I cant see how I can earn 30k right now.
  4. He cant sign up to the forums as well, and no one responds in the live chat. How can he join the game? do you know when signing up will be available? Thanks. (Not sure if the topic fits here but couldnt find anywhere else, sorry.)
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