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About Radas

  • Birthday 07/07/1997

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  1. Radas

    Guild battles

    Yes, that was my thought in it, cause guilds in games like PRO are often only a little social perk without any further use... :Ambivalent:
  2. I dunno if theres something already implemented like this, so if it is, please just say so and dont hate me, 'cause I am really new with PRO... :D My Idea is to make guild fights. Every guild member can set two pokemon to fight in the guild team, however, the fight is a voluntary option so not all players have to fight with their guild if they are too weak or not in the right mood or whatever. And if two guilds start a fight, the two guildleaders fight with the whole guild team (And yes, that would mean in fights with big guilds there will be more than 6 pokemon each team. The teams consist of the first pokemon of each player. If one guild has less members than the other the gap is filled with the secondary pokemons of each player. (So for example: Guild "Masters" has 3 players. The leader, Eric, chooses a raichu as his first and a charizard as his second pokemon. The second in command, Paula, wants her gengar and her pidgeot to fight, gengar as first pkmn. And last but not least, Steven, the third member, puts his slowbro and his rapidash in. On the other side, the Guild "Heros" enlists 2 players. The guild leader Sarah plays with chandelure as first and kingdra as second pokemon, the second player is Hank with nidoking and jolteon. The guild-team from the guild "masters" has raichu, gengar and slowbro. The "heros" are one player less so they fight with chandelure, nidoking and to fill the gap, kingdra) It is NOT possible to change the pokemon whilst in fight (that would be a mess with something like 50 pkmn ^^) but after a pokemon fainted, the guild leader can choose any other pokemon in the team to fight along. What do you think about the idea? Please comment constructive. I look forward to your opinions :O Radas
  3. Greetings, PRO-Community, I'm Sebastian, or Radas as I'm called ingame. Although I've chosen a female Avatar for fun I am actually male in real live and I live in Hamburg, which is a big city in northern germany (Some of you may have heard of it ^^). I started with PRO, because two friends of mine invited me to and I'm already addicted... Around 80 hours playtime in the last week and I'm about to go for the E4 in Kanto. A few days ago we started a shop on the blue server and in the near future we are going to found a guild. Our guilds main goal is to become strong PvPers so right now I'm searching for my end-game-PKMN (and I found two yet, from which one is already lvl 100 and evolved). Maybe some of you guy's will battle against me or my mates someday, so... Gotta catch 'em all! Bye, Radas
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