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About Masther

  • Birthday 10/21/1993

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Masther's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. rememeber that this is a fan made game, they probably can't afford more server (and you are asking for 3)
  2. you can be loging on the blue server by mystake
  3. yup, but again, you can do a max spatk/spd and use dragon dance to boost your atk
  4. you could do both, with flamthrower/fire blast, iron tail, dragon claw/outrage, roost(if you want to heal)/dragon dance(if you want more atk and spd)/ or another special attack, try to calculate a good atk with a good spatk, or just max your spatk and use dragon dance to get a good atk
  5. same to me but in red server :confused:
  6. Masther


    just type /on and it will show how many players are online
  7. if you click on your pokemon in the left side, you can see his hp buddy, not worth to put it in battle when you can do that
  8. 148 episodes but they are soooo worth it, hxh its in my top5 too, really good anime, i like nanatsu no taizai too :y:
  9. evasive moves don't work i think
  10. Re: Masters item + lvl100 + nice nature/ivs + dex service shop <t>are you still selling the dragon scale?</t>
  11. you still have that medi? i was working :Frown:
  12. hi! i'm selling a few pokes, if you like, leave a BO :Grin: :thanks: and have fun :y:
  13. 100k meditite
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