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  1. Alt+Enter?
  2. ...Is 24 hrs such a soul-crushing amount of time?
  3. Alt+f4?
  4. ...Wow.
  5. Re: Loading map <t>Try letting the load map screen run until you hear the app's opening theme play. Then close app and force stop it in settings, and then run it again. I did this and got unstuck in mt moon. (Although it could've been a coincidence.)</t>
  6. Is having surf better than having volt tackle?
  7. Haven't played pokemon in a while, but what's the big deal with a surfing pikachu?
  8. Goodbye, and best of luck.
  9. Isn't your starter's gender supposed to be the same as yours? And it's level 8?
  10. ... Really? The Beta of a game that uses copyrighted material is legal? And when it switches to a full release it suddenly becomes illegal? That's one exploitable loophole or you're a moron.
  11. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Asche.<br/> 2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Types don't really interest me, one of the reasons I like Pikachu even though my little brother calls it a piece of s#!t. It's cute and badass too.<br/> 3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? Not ambitious, just want to play.<br/> 4. What made you to join on this journey with us? Played Emerald, lost cartridge, never touched Pokemon since, now I'm 18 and getting a little twitchy.<br/> 5. What is your final objective in PRO? Toce bece ace Pockeemon Macseter!<br/> 6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? Uh, I guess so.</t>
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