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  1. Selling Shiny Houndoom Mount 350k Selling Radioactive Set 200k Selling Purple Santa Hat 100k Selling Purple Kimono 100k ~~ Buying MS BOUGHT Buying Thor body piece BOUGHT Msg me ingame ~~ Zequacks If i'm OFFLINE just drop a msg here, and i'll get to you asap
  2. I'm not sure where you grabbed that piece of information from. But from what I've always known it does damage = to the amount of hp you currently have. He grabbed it from Bulbapedia. Unfortunatley it's wrong. xD You're right just tried it on showdown. I was wondering what the move does on staraptor and bulbapedia's info completely confused me, will remove original post. Sorry about it.
  3. Removed, got confused with info on bulbapedia. Final Gambit working as intended.
  4. This part can easily changed to take the money from the actual buyers, and returning it to them upon being outbid/winning. Example: Buyer A Bids 500k for a Banana = -500k from his own inventory Buyer B Bids 510k for Banana = -510k from his own inventory Buyer A's 500k will return to him + Notification saying "You have been outbid" etc Great suggestions btw, but i'm pretty sure we won't see this launch without the "Mail System"
  5. And what about tepigs already spawned? ^ This, if they are left up, they are basically rewarding those that got to this bug, and punishing those that didn't. Extremely unfair imo
  6. Remove all the Shiny Tepigs or keep it up for those that didn't get. It is extremely unfair for the ones that didn't get a shiny tepig if it is removed, while the ones that did obtain it gets to keep them.
  7. Excadrill / Skarmory / Machop sold
  8. Offer: Offer: Current offer: 200k Buchoalvarez Insta 350k
  9. Just beat red as well, and meet all requirements myself and can't enter Trainers Valley. Can a mod help us out?
  10. Re: WTS HA Adamant Talonflame 1 hour left <t>Current Best offer 750k by AxielXlll<br/> <br/> 50 minutes remaining</t>
  11. Re: WTS HA Adamant Talonflame <t>Current Best offer 750k by AxielXlll<br/> <br/> 6 Hours 30 Minutes remaining</t>
  12. Re: WTS HA Adamant Talonflame <r><QUOTE author="milkkashiny"><s> </e></QUOTE> Okay retracted. Best stands at 420k</r>
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