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Everything posted by Pedro314

  1. Wtb cheap squirtle kanto
  2. When trading pokemon, it should reset evolutions, go to level 5, reset EV, nature, ability and random IV (just to stop the trading for good IV, pokemon can only be traded 1 time). this trade is not good for the game... too much spam and all farming just for the great IV and to sell... this is Pokemon Rvolution Online, not Pokemon with good IV sales online 900k!!!
  3. Hello! First time playing a pokemon game. I've done a small walkthrough in Red server and started for real in Blue server. Thank you for this amazing game! Also no pay to win crap like every single game that I found in the internet, just because of that I'm going to donate. I'm very active and dedicated. I will report any bug or language (if portuguese translation comes out) issues during my gameplay. Feel free to add me ingame: Pedro314 I always try to help new players. I'm a new pokemon player, but already have more research time than gameplay. :thanks:
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