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Everything posted by Bigbig

  1. how much milotic and kingdra ?, can you pm me ingame ?
  2. Can you tell me the price of exca
  3. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <t>elec also not</t>
  4. and i buy vaporeon, pls meet me in game
  5. i buy excadrill
  6. I think that price is too high, I would buy for $ 400k
  7. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Mounts & Others] <t>ambipom is 450k ?</t>
  8. umberon is 400k ?
  9. b.o 90k , Please meet me in the game
  10. Wtb 50coin of Magic Mirror , Please meet me in the game
  11. Re: Jaccard1 Shop > Politoed-Dragonite-Seismitoad (Rain Combo) <t>seismitoad : 280k</t>
  12. Re: Epic Ludicolo, Swampert, Skarmory and Donphan <t>Ludicolo : 350k</t>
  13. Re: new epic H.A bold gothita <t>b.o 200k</t>
  14. I want to buy Shellder epic Atk : 23 + Def : 2x + Spd : 25 + Hp : 2x + Spdef 2x + Epic pay 700k - 1m
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