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About Antisenil

  • Birthday 08/19/1994

Personal Information

  • Career
    Worst Pokémon Trainer ever
  • Occupation
    Worst Pokémon Trainer ever

Antisenil's Achievements



  1. thats me
  2. same for me, only that my char walks upwards
  3. you can get your first magikarp in the pokecenter at mt moon. talk to the magikarpseller you need to buy 1.5k i think, dont remember how much it was. your first rod you can get in vermilion city from the fishing guy, he is in a house below the pokecenter.
  4. <-- look there :Grin:
  5. hey, thats one fine guild name. id like to join you if you got some free space :Smile: about me: -Forum name also In-game name -german (very important, does many grammar and spelling mistakes :Angel: ) -only played till gen 4 and is rly confused about the fairy type -more story and exploration interested than on battling other player -mostly helpful except someone is asking the same question again and again and again and... -trying to play daily -got 7 badges in kanto and is now training poke for last badge and e4 + catching poke to fill pokedex
  6. you dont need to restart your client just spam the login button ^^
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