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  1. Change Thor's team: It's now Dragonite, Greninja, Mew and 3 others cause I wasn't ready for this modification and thanks to you guys I have to wait for 12 days now :)
  2. Who the trade was with Suhu What was traded S kingdra and S Muk for 110k and some pokes What day the trade took place August 19 2015 What was good about the trade: He is a nice guy and he gives you trust in the moment he starts chatting with you...and even after the trade he was a nice guy and kept asking me if I have something for him.Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots to post but I believe the other players that traded with this guy has the same opinion as I do :Smile:
  3. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <t>Made my first trade with Suhu. 110k and some pokemon for S Kingdra and S Muk. It was one of the coolest trades I've ever made ^^</t>
  4. You need a super rod to catch Dratini.
  5. I'm stuck behind the bushes and can't move https://prntscr.com/8dy8hx I reopened the game and reloged but nothing will do. And I don't have escape rope to use it. Please help :(
  6. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>Raindrop is in!</t>
  7. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>1. Raindrop<br/> 2. I don't have really a favorite type. I like to adapt into every situation possible<br/> 3. 5 days of playing and reaching out to E4 makes me ambitious?<br/> 4. I worked with 2 of these members and I really enjoyed it<br/> 5. To achieve anything possible<br/> 6. Yes</t>
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