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Posts posted by Rider

  1. PRO client change should not grant you any issue that would only affect during battles. But mind elaborating which sort of error it appeared? Does any pop-up message appear? Does it disconect?

    This could relate also to your computer, permissions and internet aswell.



    Smartest: Chappy

    Friendliest: Iriztha

    Funniest: Scorpia

    Coolest: Ayukura

    Comeback Player of the Year: MecanoJilano

    Most Talkative: Gongon/ Iriztha

    Most Trustworthy: Won't name because I would put too many people here, but I will give the most trustworthy vote to: Solo.

    Most Helpful: Olafkun/ Ayukura

    Most Missed: Seibuza, the jerk, Solo, the door and Chappy, the karp.

    Most Influential: Chappy

    Most Intriguing: Chappy


    Most Honorable Former Staff (who is NO LONGER staff): I respect several, if not every former staff, but if I were to pick one above, Chappy.

    Not voting in the other roles because they all win, in my opinion.

  3. https://prnt.sc/fe1ctc


    I want a switch, across the years I have been mastering my art of throwing stuff at my walls, now i miss the tools to work with it and I think the Switch would be perfect for it as I can use it in multi forms, throwing the controllers, throwing the console, throwing everything together, throwing the box.

    So there, it's my reasoning why I should get the switch, both me and my walls will appreciate. Thank you for the oportunity :)

  4. [align=justify]Okey, seems like I got some free time finally and I am going to post my feelings towards this whole situation, I am going to start with, beware, wall of text incoming.


    Hello, I am Ridersempai (lol obviously by the account name), but on my other account I am Shamac, a random CC you might have known off, or as it kinda is right now in Red Server, I am the Latias guy (pls change it to shiny pidgey trainer xD). And my vote goes for remaining the same as it is now, but if the mass (across 3 servers agree) I am fine with changing the reward policy, to which was made several times already, but most likely people didn't notice that.

    I would also like to request what Red asked, to keep this civil, accross this thread there was several parts where if you protect staff you are accused of being staff or you just get an insult towards your idea or suggestion. This is meant to be a voting to build up a solution for this situation, that has been around for longer than my staffship, but as it escalated, an action will be made towards this. I will talk about every thing that was talked across the 2 threads and give my personal experience mixed with my staff knowledge.

    Why am I doing an imense WOT for this matter? I thought in doing 1 intervention (regarding my opinion, the rest I am going to keep on as moderator as I always did) and my final say into this matter, so I am going to talk to everything I can to refrain from keep on adding stuff to the table. I also noticed that, across everything there was, I will gather everything that was shattered across multiple posts.


    First of all, towards these topics, stop addressing it as a way to take revenge at staff because something wasn't made the way you wanted or expected it. Staff most likely always tried to do something but we don't have possible actions to do or implement said feature (includes suggestions here) or other punishments. Besides lack of tools to build up something, we are also people with real lifes to attend, so we can't do an instant answer to everything, this is no one fault, but it falls into our responsability. We indeed apologise for the inconvenience you have experienced, but let me just assure you, we tried, and another thing... staff has more rules than just a player, and as a staff member you need to follow them all.


    Why is there a reward for a volunter work?


    Obviously I am going to go full honest on this, a person that tries to become a staff for a free pokemon or a tag we are going to instantly deny it, no questions ask, just no. But why there is a reward? The answer is because with that we can expect people to stay in a long run for more than just help the community, as it also gets us excited to do so. This is a feature for staff to think when the moderation goes badly or so, to not quit as easy. At maximum you can have 2, one at 6 months and another after the same amount of months.

    For example (probably the best one I can think), back a few months ago, when the moderation team was under 10 people we had to stop a spammer for like 6h a day, and most of the time we didn't even have more than 2 or 3 people online to block it. We would make turns of 2 in 2 hours while moderating 2 or 3 servers at once. And we couldn't do more with the tools we had at that time making us only be able to the temporary solution every time we saw him online. Imagine doing this everyday for weeks? This burns a person to the limit, and this without even considering every other staff duties we had to do IN THE SAME DAY and ignoring completly how our real life day was. Why this happened? Just because we could help? At a first sight, totally I would help out, I wouldn't mind, but at the end of so much time there is so much we can sink in.

    So this is the reason why we get a reward, I know this is not why the topic was raised, but I said, I am going to post every thought in everything I can possibly think that can concern in this matter.



    Why is the pokemon shiny?


    Why not? Most likely there will be only 1 of a kind in each server, so having it as shiny will be like that. If in the future the reward changes to a already obtainable pokemon I would like to address my vote to a staff reward to be forcefully shiny, as at least, will be harder for people to have 1 like that and making it feel more unique.



    Why does the reward is a legendary at the moment?


    The main reason reward is a legendary or mythical pokemon is to prevent it to be traded away from our accounts, it is locked to it. If we give our staff reward to any other person, we will receive an instant punishment. Altho 6 months should be enough to show the person loyalty, this is a feature to make sure it doesn't happen, and we do agree in it, no one was against it as everyone can have an extremely bad day and for even a second consider it and then...the damage is done, the rule was broken.

    Another reason is because: why would a person work so hard for a normal pokemon? This is somewhat a reason for pride, because having an impossible to get pokemon makes us feel indeed rewarded and satisfied with that, its like a small undergoing project you have in the back of your mind that builds up across the months in order to get it, it's just a small reward in consideration of what we have been though, and being a bit exagerated, if it is a normal spawn pokemon, where would that pride go if anyone else could have one like ours? Altho I do understand this as a point of your demanding the ban I also need to express my feelings towards it. If at the end they get removed (even if the topics are about PvP, things can differ in the meanwhile, which are still to be defined), I get the reasoning why, and won't hold any grudge about it.



    Why are the pokemon IV/Nature/Ability manipulated?


    This part is simply because of the same reason some of us get sad after that horrible sync fail when we finally find our first Gale Wings Fletchling from headbutting 3 months (Unfortunatly, my story and many others). You wouldn't work hard if at the end you would see your pokemon for the first time and feel like "was this what my hype lead up to?". I understand this is will get the counter argument of "you don't work for the reward", but like I said previously, this is a build up excitement undergoing, something to want to be staff for more than 2 or 3 months. This is our ultimate recognition that transcends from your staff to your player account, imagine if it would be pretty much bad, was your work worth of that? This is why they are like that.

    Regarding a change, this would be a good place to see a change. The pokemons would be slightly tuned down, making appearances look worse but pleasing both parts of this discussion. I would also add that making Hidden Power manipulated to be removed, altho my HP fire (q.q) would perish for that, it's the part where I feel is mostly unfair.



    Why not ingame currency or items?


    A bit like I said before, the reason is the unique stuff, ingame currency I can get with hardwork, a rare to unique pokemon I can only get by reward and thus making you happy about it. Nothing would feel worse than "hey I have this" then someone else than didn't make as much work reply "lol I have more and didn't even put myself into that". I know this one is hard to see in outsiders eyes sometimes, but please, put yourselfs in our shoes in this time aswell. About the items, there are some that are unique or non obtainable right now, but there are possibilities of them to be implemented in the future making it irrelevant once again. As for adding items like those for us, let's be real, and I think speaking about every other staff, we would prefer to see more items for you, the community, than just for us, if there will be the work to make a new item, you guys are the priority, always are and always were.



    Regarding other pokemons besides Staff Legendaries


    Here I am going to talk about the tournament winners, to which they won their prizes fair and square. Everyone had the chance to win it and will have the chance to win the upcomming ones. If there is anyone trying to ban it because staff has it and is trying to take a revenge on them, remember this guys, they also fall in the same category. They probably even would be the first ones being atacked if you are going for the "not fair" because they are indeed the ones good in PvP. But like I said before, I am up for the non banning them. (Not trying to put the blame on them, I am just saying you guys are actually really good in PvP, and I would be way more afraid from you than from a staff, and once again, congratulations on the victory)



    Why should tournament pokemons fall into the same category as staff pokemons?


    Even if it might not seem like it, everyone has the chance of doing it. But the tournaments seems more "open" and advertised. Like I said before, everyone has a chance to be a staff as long as you meet our requirements and apply during the open recruitment we makeLast recruitment for moderation team), like Content Scripting and Artists that have their recruitment open right now. There is also the change of extraordinary recruitment, which will lead to instantly invite a player to become an apprentice, if the player shows himself worthy to become one staff member.

    I would also like to say that, after you apply you get studied, staff experiences, forum and game records, everything comes to mind before we actually let you through. Therefore you can be staff as long you can and will follow the rules, have more than 18, know an acceptable amount of knowledge of the english language, have a proper behavior and mentallity to be one. Of course people underage are most of the times not considered due to the age factor coming to place, which maturity shows easily. There was even the possibility for people that had a sort of bad reputation to become a staff, as we gave them the second chance, we thought in the best of the community and considering to take past records or somewhat missbehaviors aside, some of them got through, other unfortunatly or fortunatly didn't but we gave them the shot.



    (now the big one) Why shouldn't it be banned from PvP? (AGAIN, IT'S MY OPINION)


    First of all I would want to say that I spoke to multiple players from multiple servers to collect information and experience reports for that. And the answer is 90% under the "doesn't matter". As calculated by players themselfs, the damage, the resistances, etc will be barely the same, with a margin of 5% of error. That's not even a big factor comparing to other issues, like Gothitelle, to which is taken care in here, with voting.

    When I was just starting the game there was indeed some issues with staff in PvP, when people could use extremely good pokemons in PvP, like 601+ legendaries, and it was removed as obviously indeed destroyed the PvP ecossystem. Now the system has around at maximum 5 legendaries on Red Server in active use and possible to use in PvP (used Red server as it is the one with more rewards), to which most likely are from people that didn't even hit the ladder (me <-).

    I would also like to point out, PvP is a big part of the endgame, and is in constant growing, as certain new items and moves are going to be added in the upcomming future, therefore the current rewards will be even less powerfull, and we staff members, are players aswell, and we like to PvP even if we aren't good. Besides that what other use could we do with our rewards? Myself not being a "bragger" I don't see any point into posting my reward or good pokemons every 10 minutes as myself don't feel any sort of satisfaction with that. The rest of stuff is hunting or battling NPCs, to which I would totally be fine, but bosses only spawn every 12 or 14 days so I would not have any use for the reward that I would love so much to use.


    So, if there was any sort of change, what would I suggest?


    If I would change anything, I would say to tune down the IVs and making his Hidden Power calculation random. If indeed we endorse the route of only having obtainable pokemons from the players, I would like to ask for ability/nature and decent IVs made up while shiny if possible. This would probably be as fair, and most suggested, for everyone, what do you think?

    I would also like to ask if there is any sort of reward you would like to suggest to replace the pokemon spawn feel free to post here, thats why this thread is for.


    Now my honest appeal and message to the community...


    The reason why I also posted this at the end is because this is non important comparing to the magniture of the other topics. But I would like to ask to please, stop with the hate please. How far will the rewards go? Until there is nothing? If you have a personal issue with a staff member, make a complain, not start a moviment or join a moviment of masses to take your revenge, as people that only trustfully worked and was looking for something they can call theirs by right to be taken away. (this obviously isn't directed to 1 or 2 people, but isn't for everyone, I just want to post this out for everyone, as an appeal of common sense)

    I would also like to request for people to stop addressing my player account into unnecessary drama and insults, ever since I got my reward I played around 20 games, and everytime I write something in the chat either I get trashtalked or something I said is taken out of context to make my already miserable reputation worse and to make me feel bad. After most of it I can even say my reward is hidden in the PC and I am not playing or avoiding logging in to not feel the repercutions, some of you that are doing it I have made an extra attention in the past in order to help you, and this is how I am getting repaid. I also need to say that most of this controversy is just making me feel I am no longer welcome here and I should just stop losing my time and stop entering PRO at all. This is not a crying thing of any sort, but I want you to take attention that I care about you, and so all the other staff members do, so when it becomes their time to have a reward, do not make the same as you are making it for me.

    <ALIGN align="justify">

    If you read through everything I wrote, my sincere thanks and apologies for my spelling errors or lack of text building. Hope I do not hurt anyone feelings with this and that all my points were well thought. Also do not tag me to just say you are against anything I said without giving proper reasoning to prevent spam. Once again, please do not post in this thread if your only idea is just to atack staff due to past relationships.

    As far as staff goes, thank you all for voting, we appreciate your input and altho sometimes it seems like we did not care, we actually spoke about it most likely, there are even times where we speak for hours about something but at the end we just can't do because of certain limitations.

    Relevant posts:



    With that being said, I wish you all the best and may you all have a great Sunday, Shamac.[/align]

  5. Name: Ridersempai

    Country: Portugal <3

    Reason: The gimmick around that console, the games and the portable part makes everything be one of the best consoles I saw so far as my usage/interest would go. Seems extremely fun to play with friends and in parties :D (also, but not least, would use it in the workplace as something to make the kids pay attention to me to get as reward to play there :P)

    Evidence of sharing the giveaway: https://prnt.sc/eoob8l

  6. 0e3a644419c127b5c24111347fbeabe0.png


    Hello everyone, I decided to do this guide since I have been seeing a lot of people doing questions around what nuggets and mushrooms serves and there wasn't a actual guide about it yet. This way I can also give back to the community and PRO! :RowletHeart:


    So, let's start... What is the Item Maniac? Well, the Item Maniac is a NPC that allows us to trade certain items and trinkets for a good amount of money.

    They are also very rich so don't worry about being there all the time asking for money :SnivyBad:




    • Pearl.pngPearl"A rather small pearl that has a very nice silvery sheen to it. It can be sold cheaply to shops."Worth $3,000 apiece.
    • Big_Pearl.pngBig Pearl"A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a pretty silver color. It can be sold at a high price."Worth $9,000 apiece.
    • Nugget.pngNugget"A nugget of the purest gold that gives off a lustrous gleam in direct light. It can be sold at a high price."Worth $15,000 apiece.
    • Big_Nugget.pngBig Nugget"A big nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. A maniac will buy it for a high price."Worth $30,000 apiece.
    • Tiny_Mushroom.pngTiny Mushroom"A small and rare mushroom. It is quite popular among certain people."Worth $1,500 apiece.
    • MissingIcon.pngBig Mushroom* — "A rare mushroom that would sell at a high price."Worth $6,500 apiece.
    • Stardust.pngStardust"Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose, silky feel. It can be sold at a high price."Worth $4,500 apiece.
    • Star_Piece.pngStar Piece"A small shard of a beautiful gem that demonstrates a distinctly red sparkle. It can be sold at a high price."Worth $9,000 apiece.


    Any items marked with a * does not have an icon yet, check the
    for when it will be added into the game!


    At the moment, there are four locations of the
    Item Maniac
    , one in each region respectively:

    • Kanto
      : the Item Maniac's residential house on Route 25


      North of Cerulean, on the Route 25, the house on the right, near Bill's place.





    • Johto
      : Ruins of Alph.


      In Ruins of Alph, on the ruin of the top left, near the water path.

      (Note: You can only access Ruins of Alph after beating Johto Elite 4)





    • Hoenn
      : Treasure Hunter house on Route 124.


      West/Left from Mossdeep city, in the Route 124, in a abandoned island (at least Stardust Seller can make him company).





    • Sinnoh
      : Celestic Town (House 1).


      East from Eterna City and Mt. Coronet is Celestic Town. You'll find him in House 1.






    Using the
    Item Maniac
    is one of the best and safer ways to
    in this game. Keep in mind you can find these items from:





    Disclaimer: Hope this guide can help someone and any error/typo/new information that you might see in this guide feel free to reply below or PM it and i will change it as soon as possible.

    • Like 2
  7. 283509 How can I learn which pokemon learn which move and when? Any list? Besides that when rattata learn sucker punch?


    I am newbie. If this thread is wrong place, sorry for that.


    For easy access ingame, like JollyolNathan said:

    283521It tells you in your Pokedex :p


    Also you can search those and many other, in depth, informations about pokemons in this websites:

    Hope i was able to help you :Angel:

  8. Welcome to PRO. I hope you have a blast playing this game :D


    Also if at any point you are having dificulties to complete the game makes sure to go to Guide center or to ask us in the official chats. We have a great community making this game fun.

    Good luck and may the luck in ivs and nature be with you :P



    <r><QUOTE author="heyCavalier"><s>

    </s><POST content="280865"><s></s>280865<e></e></POST> omfg when u go to goldenrod from saffron and u accidentally click again when u arrive this dude tells u u can go go trainers valley and there's an option that says "neither i'll stay put" and this bruh takes ya to trainers valley instead [Censored] this money hungry dude lmao u fire that dude pls fix that...<e>


    Well, from experience i got the same error, but as a way to dodge that i would chose Goldenrod or Saffron again because you dont pay anything for it, you can travel back and forward betwin the 2 citys after you paid the 5000$ in the first guard of the station.<br/>


    On other note, cursing is not good and this game takes that seriously, i understand that feeling might be frustrating but lets control ourselves for the sake of the game and our accounts :D</r>

  10. 278839 I did not intereact with Raikou because my pokemon in low hp, when I come back, it's gone!! So now I can't get raikou pokedex forever for celebi quest ??!


    Hello there and im sorry that you had that problem :/

    Anyway, do not worry about it, for the Celebi Quest you just need it to have him in the dex. And if you didnt start the quest yet, by not doing the ruins of alph storyline, once you do that the 3 legendary dogs will spawn again for a fight.

    Good luck getting your 6x31 bold celebi :P

  11. 279780 I have finished Hoenn for a longgg time, and now when i get to New Mauville for the boss, i found out that the NPCs in the storyline here have reseted. Although they suppose to disappear after defeated.

    So a redefeat them, but the boss still doesnt appear, and there is a electric line stop me from going left.

    I also has finished the teleport quest as well.




    Hey there, check this link, they reworked the quest since it was giving problems with npcs (i think but im not sure) and some people had to do it again, but i feel like its easier now.


    Quote for easier view:

    Keep in mind that:

    - the quest is open only for those who are champion of the Hoenn region.

    - the quest is supposed to reset if you started the quest in the past but never completed it (before the new quest was opened).

    - the quest is not supposed to reset if you completed it in the past and go to New Mauville again, but if somehow your game data about the past quest has been damaged somehow, it will reset your quest and you will have to do it again.

  12. 279334 Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).


    Hello, isnt a bug but a random spawn.

    In that specific tile a random riolu can spawn every day, or from time to time, we, players, still don't know how to control it or there is a guide about it.


    From the feedback i got the only common things betwin the players is having 2000 or more discovery points.

  13. 280635 Hello

    Can I have the Exact locations of Excavation sites?? It wud really help me out.

    Thank u


    The sites are:

    HAUNTED SITE - Location: Rusturf Tunnel

    MINERAL SITE - Location: Route 115

    FERAL SITE - Location: Fiery Path

    GLACIAL SITE - Location: Route 103

    NATURAL SITE - Location: Route 119A

    HISTORICAL SITE - Location: Desert Route 111



    Ill also link you the Excavation Sites Guide for further help :D

    p.s. the guide is a bit outdated in the poke spawns and the amount of discoverys needed for each pokemon because it had some changes in the meanwhile, but the latest coments might help you with the current spawns.

  14. 280654 Hello everyone,

    Im kinda new to PRO and beaten Erika recently (got my 4th badage) and Im wondering if im able to get pokemon of my dreams - Ralts on kanto. I know that normaly it is from 3gen and is related to hoenn so i can't get it on kanto (at least if pokemon-revolution-online (dot) net/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=10406 is true) but as far as I know it spawns on Love island which i can access from kanto, does this fact make it available for me or i need to finish this part of game in order to get it?

    Thanks for help,




    Hello there.

    I feel this topic might help you to get into love island, its a video of how to get there.

    The island has been reworked recently but the way to get there is still the same.

    Good luck getting the pokemon of your dreams, and be prepared for wasting some time in it, since ralts are hard to find.

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