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  1. Why Jayviee is first at list - this account is suspended (banned) / money shouldnt be destroyed? (or its time suspend)
  2. 150 k pineco
  3. i withdraw this pineco, want an other one from you.
  4. Re: PW guild shop - epic dratini - marvel scale added <t>bump</t>
  5. Re: PW guild shop - epic dratini - marvel scale added <r><QUOTE author="Hoot"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok - find me in game <QUOTE author="Pandzia666"><s> </e></QUOTE> if theres no other bid till evening u got it</r>
  6. Re: PW guild shop - epic dratini - marvel scale added <r><IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/296lk5v.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> new ingame dratini offer</r>
  7. Re: PW guild shop - epic dratini - marvel scale added <r><QUOTE author="JohnCenaa"><s> </e></QUOTE> bo 3ms (360k) by strawhat</r>
  8. Re: PW guild shop - epic dratini - marvel scale added <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="strawhat"><s> </e></QUOTE> prefer poke $ guys (actually price of ms going down to 120-130k in game)</r>
  9. Re: PW guild shop - epic dratini - marvel scale added <t>dratini added</t>
  10. Re: PW guild shop - epic def duskull / shinies UPD <t>bump - umbreon still avaible</t>
  11. Re: PW guild shop - epic def duskull / shinies UPD <r><QUOTE author="Denverviper"><s> </e></QUOTE> sold <QUOTE author="furiastorm"><s> </e></QUOTE> sold</r>
  12. Re: PW guild shop - epic def duskull / shinies UPD <t>@Denverviper @furiastorm offers accepted i try to find u guys later</t>
  13. Re: Dae's Pokeshop- SHINY ABSOL, Epic Pineco and Pinsir <t>180k pineco</t>
  14. Re: PW guild shop - epic def duskull / shinies UPD <r>@ShadowSkill - you got b/o.<br/> @Ende - you win magikarp for 80k. (pm me in game)<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>ADDED EPIC DUSKULL AND SHINIES <e></e></B></r>
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