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Everything posted by Fuhikie

  1. Re: Wings Of Destiny And Wings Of Fate + Two Guilds On Blue Server + International Multi-Gaming Guild + Recruiting: OPEN <r>1. What is your in-game name and current hours of play? <COLOR color="#00BF00"><s></s>Fuhikie / 71h 11m (I know, i am in this since almost a year and so less hours played. But i know almost everything there is to know, believe me. c: Also, i wasn't this active yet because i had rl issues, but everything is perfect now or a longer time already. c:)<e></e></COLOR><br/> 2. Why do you want to join Wings Of Destiny? <COLOR color="#00FFFF"><s></s>Nihaya is kawaii, so all of you would be? :3 Also, it's always great to meet new people in a game. ^-^<e></e></COLOR><br/> 3. How many badges do you have on blue server? <COLOR color="#800000"><s></s>16<e></e></COLOR><br/> 4. Do you/can you use discord? <COLOR color="#FFFF40"><s></s>YES<e></e></COLOR><br/> 5. What led you to play PRO? <COLOR color="#FF4080"><s></s>Generally loving pokemon since the day it was created. :3<e></e></COLOR><br/> 6. Do you meet all of the requirements as listed on the first page of the thread? <COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s>100% ^-^<e></e></COLOR><br/> 7. Why should we want you in the guild? <COLOR color="#00FFFF"><s></s>If you look for positive, active, friendly, lovely, kawaii, helpful or whatever else people, i am one of them. :3<e></e></COLOR><br/> 8. Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? <COLOR color="#00BFFF"><s></s>Nihaya (Kawaii :3)<e></e></COLOR></r>
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