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Everything posted by Murat353

  1. insta price is 3.5m
  2. hey greem the bo normally finished yesterday but the winner hasnt claimed the machop yet if he dosent buy it by today its yours i pmed him today when he was online but he went offline the second i msged him i dont know if it was on purpose or he went offline on his own but as i said his deadline is tonight if he doesnt claim it its yours my friend
  3. sold ty for your offers
  4. taking last offers 30 min left
  5. you have bo tetris will end it tonight
  6. sold ty for your offers
  7. 20 min left
  8. you have bo mate ending in 2hrs :)
  9. you have bo mate will end it soon
  10. you have bo but looking for more
  11. looking for best offer
  12. sounds fair maybe i little overrated the rose :)
  13. ty for the offers guys but im looking for at least 2.5m+ offers on pig also 2m+ offers for rose others not sure will consider offers 500k+ not a cheap seller takiing my time :)
  14. lol maybe i get too exited my bad :)
  15. that 531 is paint obv lol not even same colors
  16. https://prntscr.com/8pybnp Murat353
  17. same here it used to say server is currently full but it dosent anymore so we cand spam log in
  18. got the same prob after update the old client looks fine when i try
  19. taking offers for s pidgey ivs are: atk 30 def 30 spd 28 spatk 27 spdef 27 hp 27 ability: keen eye nature : docile
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