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  1. [uSER=1675531]@shiroiwa[/uSER]
  2. hi, i buy second h.a serperior 250k add me discord: DraKo #2891
  3. Hi @Shinohara I restarted the client like 5 times. Im 90% sure i had 100pvp coins as soon as i bought masterball before the bug.. i caught zapdos with my masterball but i remember i had 90pvp coins left, i have never use my coins before.. From my point of view my coins dissapeared.. i havent got any screenshot beacuse i didnt know this gonna happen but the bug appeared. I was about to buy a reroll ticket.. and i checked my pvp coins so.. i dont know, if you could do something for me.. if not there is no problem :(
  4. Hi, I was buying a nature reroll in verm, i had 90 pvp coins because i bought a masterball, then i tried to buy a reroll nature and my reroll and coins dissapeared. I got 0 coins I should have 90 coins or 15 coins and nature reroll sv; silver ign: drakoreed Thx
  5. innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn <33333333333333333
  6. ● What's your Name/IGN? DraKo, Drakoreed ● Are you active in Discord? Yes, im active ● Where are you from? Spain ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 500h, i will play really often ● What's your goal in PRO? My Mew is just amazing ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Im back in the game and i want to get stronger ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Darkrai, because the film and sotory. ● What's your favorite animal and why? Artic Wolf, theyre amazing
  7. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New RECKLESS Starly on Auction!) <r>Starly Sold to Vexen , ty for biding <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/MVQyoL1.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  8. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New RECKLESS Starly on Auction!) <r>up! <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  9. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New RECKLESS Starly on Auction!) <r>BUMP! <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  10. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New RECKLESS Starly on Auction!) <r>In-game offer 350k by Spectru<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Y5x6Bp0.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New RECKLESS Starly on Auction!) <r>In-game offer 250k by Gaskarth<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ic6jCyq.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New RECKLESS Starly on Auction!) <r>BUMP!<br/> <br/> Reckless Starly on Auction!<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/SE8KONO.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Starter Offer : 200k</r>
  13. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New Good Umbreon on Auction!) <r>Umbreon Sold 200k for Ethancj<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/xp43cgW.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Thx for biding <3</r>
  14. Re: Drakoreed , The Illuminati Auction House. (New Good Umbreon on Auction!) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/5ZttW9m.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> 150k by Risser55<br/> <br/> Lowered Insta to 210k</r>
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