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Everything posted by Atej

  1. Sell this epic gallade .My Price is instant 500k. Gallade
  2. WTB epic adamant galewings Talonflame.I have really high budget.Pm me in game or here
  3. Wtb jolly epic garchomp.Pay well.Add me on game for conversation
  4. Re: Nice jolly garchomp + ada Metagross <t>add me on game for garchomp</t>
  5. Re: CHRONOS (International Guild) Recruiting 17+! <t>1. I am the Fire <br/> 2. AteJ RED server <br/> 3. 223hours 24 badges <br/> 4. 21 <br/> 5. To cacth all of my favourite pokes as epic and gaining expreience on pvp<br/> 6. Because i want to help others and learn things about the game and improve my pvp skills <br/> 7. I hope this one is will be my first <br/> 8. Actually, all of the fire pokes.In my country AteJ means fire also.The Spesific one is Mega Charizard X<br/> 9. Read The infos Above <br/> 10. Yes of course</t>
  6. 1. I dont have a Guild and i search a Guild! 2. Complete The All Regions Stories 3. 223HR 4. Try to catch all of the epic pokes which i like to play with and beat the trainers WHO has 120 lvl pokes
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