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About Ezyquake

  • Birthday 02/09/1997

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  • Career
    Pokemon Trainer Guild: Reborn
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Pokemon Trainer Guild: Reborn

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. ~1 hour left until you win the auction.
  2. Auction will end 24 hours after first bid. Instant price: 400k "Last minute" bids will extend the duration of the auction by 1 hour.
  3. That's nice, but also a small change that could also be good is how many times we have beaten the bosses in the trainer card? And probably also where's our spree sitting at at the moment. Anyhow it's good to know there are multiple areas of the game that are being worked on!
  4. EDIT: Misinformed :D. Well for now I guess this is a top priority bug and should be fixed ASAP.
  5. The aspect of a MMO game is time. The more time and grind you put into it the more rewarded you are. It can be frustrating when you cant dedicate all your time into PRO and it's annoying, I know that feeling but that's what makes a good player good. No matter how "retarded" some features are, people still get awesome pokemon. That's just called being good at an MMO game, or just got lucky. As for starters though, I'd like to agree for us to be given at least 10-15 IVs on each stat and a specifiec nature, because as it is now, PRO might too non-newbie friendly. As for membership, the more it's wanted the more the price is going to go up, that's economy.
  6. There could be a tax for listing pokemon or item in the auction house, like 1 or 2% and getting membership would remove that tax.
  7. And the topics certain people make are hard to make sense. And for example, the topic linked to "contribute" in improving the auction house idea, makes no sense and is locked. So in this topic I tried to make it as simple and dynamic as possible. However, I apologise if I offended you.
  8. Ezyquake


    Too automated... you can't have everything done for you. -9000
  9. This part can easily changed to take the money from the actual buyers, and returning it to them upon being outbid/winning. Example: Buyer A Bids 500k for a Banana = -500k from his own inventory Buyer B Bids 510k for Banana = -510k from his own inventory Buyer A's 500k will return to him + Notification saying "You have been outbid" etc Great suggestions btw, but i'm pretty sure we won't see this launch without the "Mail System" Yeah that's what I had in mind at first but then I thought that bugs might happen. And if this happened it would be a major bug and everybody would ask for a refund, including fake refund requests and would cause a huge confusion. That's why I came up with this method. I know my friend Tr3y, even though you're the bigger noob, it will make the administrators' job much simpler and would pretty much take care of fake b.o and deceiving.
  10. I am aware that auction house might already be under development but I took some time to mention some features that would make the auction house not miss any detail! The auction would consist of 3 tabs, Pokemon, Items, My Auctions. The Pokemon tab: The Items tab: The My Auctions tab: Anti-abuse: And that about sums up my suggestion! :D Let me know if I missed any minor detail or if u have an addition yourself or if you agree/disagree! Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.
  11. Get dem updates going shane! ;)
  12. Re: ♚♚ Golden Empire Daycare ♚♚ OPEN - Recruiting <r><B><s></s>PRO In-game Username:<e></e></B> Ezyquake<br/> <B><s></s>Service needed:<e></e></B> Leveling & EV Training<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>Pokemon:<e></e></B> #1: Marill, #2: Beldum, #3: Nosepass<br/> <B><s></s>Leveling desired:<e></e></B> All pokemon requested to 100 and evolved to their final evolution.<br/> <B><s></s>Move Keep:<e></e></B> Marill: [Play Rough, Superpower], Beldum: [Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch], Nosepass: [Power Gem]<br/> <B><s></s>EV Training:<e></e></B> Marill: [252atk/130hp/128speed], Beldum: [252atk/speed, 6hp], Nosepass: [252hp, 168spdef, 88def]<br/> <B><s></s>Additional comments:<e></e></B> Before proceeding on with the trade, I'd like to know the price. Thanks in advance!</r>
  13. Re: ~Reborn Guild Daycare Service~ -Unique Points System, Unique Memership System- <t>We are currently closed, sorry.</t>
  14. Re: EPIC EEVEE BOLD <t>400k.</t>
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