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Posts posted by Steven19922

  1. After seeing this new update and being constant teleported after playing just a few minutes its already getting annoying, I was wondering if its possible for it to be altered and have it so if a player reports you then it will trigger the professer antiban that way players themselves can report others using 3rd party bots or w.e and it will have legit players such as myself not being annoyed and pissed every few minutes being tp while grinding.




  2. Simple solution make a bloody report function ingame to report players I found several of them and I have to find a staff online to do so. A ingame function would take 5 seconds and boom i can continue playing rather then stop post on forums (never have for these cases) or 2 contact a staff ( which is what i do).

  3. Yeah i loged in for like 5 minute got this and got the evee evolution which i didn't know had to google but that asburd being teleported constantly. I rather have staff member question players are u there? etc and have a manual report function for botters but this is just driving me out of the game like when the queue times were 500+. Just allow other players to right click a player and report them if we believe them of botting.

  4. You dont need the same hardware as blue/red lower end hardware would be fine according to the population for a new server its just a solution to the queue issue at the moment, aswell as getting new players playing there. Also making the default server to the new one would be great that way newbie will always try out the first one shown relieves stress on the blue/red server. As for ghost town I always found players actively on blue and i been playing for about 2 months and without any issues.

  5. 210085
    208365 A easier solution is open a 3rd server to get the newer players to play on a newly created server.


    I have been wanting to play so bad but I just can never get in when I finish work. It would make more sense to create another server with the amount of player base.


    Read this thread on the subject of more servers.


    Yes, there has been a surge in new players recently thanks to all the streamers/Youtubers covering the game, but this has happened in the past too. Queue times get long for a few weeks after someone popular streams PRO, then they slowly taper back down after all the newbies who have flocked to the game end up quitting. Opening a third server would be premature when the game population is constantly fluctuating - what happens to the new server when all the new players are gone? It's inefficient and a bad use of money, even assuming the developers can actually afford to purchase/maintain a third server.


    My advice to you is to stick it out. Queue was minimal just one or two weeks ago; wait a few weeks for the game population to stabilize again. We just need to be patient.

    You dont seem to understand this also effects newbies who can potentially stay which is a high possibly with the hype of pokemon go aswell. New players might see long login queue's and not even play ( I personally wouldn't) waiting 30+ mins to login (sometimes) becuase sometimes you dont even login after waiting don't ask me why (it isn't my internet).

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